I am taking 100% O2 after all my deep dives to prevent the risk of DCS. My (hyper baric) doctor does not want me to take it under water, mainly because he thinks it is dangerous when not done properly and the risk of others doing it wrong when following my example. O2 is dangerous under pressure:naughty !!!
Nevertheless, I have been taking O2 at 6m after most of my dives, before reaching the surface. Now that I want to make deeper dives, I think it would be better to stop even earlier (deeper) – at around 25m and take Nitrox (~50%) and then switch at 6m to 100% O2.
Here comes my question to those knowing what happens in a freediver’s body:
Could I start taking 100% O2 at ~25m and slowly go to 6m? I know by scuba rules, this is insane and probably deadly, but I assume that having a lack of O2 and the short time until reaching 6m, reduces the toxicity of the O2 pressure. What do you think?
Nevertheless, I have been taking O2 at 6m after most of my dives, before reaching the surface. Now that I want to make deeper dives, I think it would be better to stop even earlier (deeper) – at around 25m and take Nitrox (~50%) and then switch at 6m to 100% O2.
Here comes my question to those knowing what happens in a freediver’s body:
Could I start taking 100% O2 at ~25m and slowly go to 6m? I know by scuba rules, this is insane and probably deadly, but I assume that having a lack of O2 and the short time until reaching 6m, reduces the toxicity of the O2 pressure. What do you think?