I have been noticing a worrying increase in my propensity to Samba.
3 years ago when I started doing long dynamics Samba's were things that happened to other people. The two times I pushed it too hard I blacked out. Now I seem to get a samba every time I attempt a max DYN/DNF.
I have a couple of theories that I would like to put out there for comment, but first some background:
My DNF PB is 132m (DYN 170m), This has not really improved much in the last 18 months and makes me feel something is wrong in my training. In the winter I train mostly DNF 2-4 times a week, mostly long swims, say 5 reps 85-100m then some technique stuff. I pack. I also play UWH and UWR 1-2 times/week. I do some cardio swimming/cycling. The pool I tend to train most frequently in is relatively warm 30'c+
Theory 1: The training emphasis based on "do long swims if you want to adapt to swim further" is flawed.
Theory 2: Training long swims in a warm pool is counterproductive.
Theory 3: I am overtraining (I especially like this theory)
Theory 4: My breathing technique has changed and I am now starting swims Hypocapnic/Hypercapnic (I don't know which causes samba).
Theory 5: My body is learning to Samba and It's learning to do it earlier through repetition.
Theory 6: I am less relaxed because I have a psychological/physiological memory of lots of uncomfortable long swims.
Any ideas/opinions out there?
3 years ago when I started doing long dynamics Samba's were things that happened to other people. The two times I pushed it too hard I blacked out. Now I seem to get a samba every time I attempt a max DYN/DNF.
I have a couple of theories that I would like to put out there for comment, but first some background:
My DNF PB is 132m (DYN 170m), This has not really improved much in the last 18 months and makes me feel something is wrong in my training. In the winter I train mostly DNF 2-4 times a week, mostly long swims, say 5 reps 85-100m then some technique stuff. I pack. I also play UWH and UWR 1-2 times/week. I do some cardio swimming/cycling. The pool I tend to train most frequently in is relatively warm 30'c+
Theory 1: The training emphasis based on "do long swims if you want to adapt to swim further" is flawed.
Theory 2: Training long swims in a warm pool is counterproductive.
Theory 3: I am overtraining (I especially like this theory)
Theory 4: My breathing technique has changed and I am now starting swims Hypocapnic/Hypercapnic (I don't know which causes samba).
Theory 5: My body is learning to Samba and It's learning to do it earlier through repetition.
Theory 6: I am less relaxed because I have a psychological/physiological memory of lots of uncomfortable long swims.
Any ideas/opinions out there?