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Samoa spearing?

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May 13, 2003
Hey guys,

I am off to Samoa in the next few weeks and just wondering if anyone here had been out that way for a spearing?

Will hopefully target Doggies, other pelagics and reef fish.

Any advice on areas or boats would be awsome.

Hi Dave,
I live on Upolu so drop me a PM on any info you need. Boat charters companies are relatively expensive here but you ma be able to work out a deal with the local fishemen.Also check the dates you're planning spend here as the Samoan International game fishing tournament is on the 8th to 13th of May and most if not all the charter boats will be involved.
Hey Sean,
Have pm'd you, could you also give me a species list of the usuals you shoot and anything that you dont in Samoa but do in othe locations??? Do you have any probs with cigutaria in Samoa?????? Do you usually dive from the shore or boat????

Cheers again

Hi Dave,
I've sent you a PM with by contact details. No boat so I only shore dive. Mostly get giant trevally, parrot fish, snapper, mullet and the odd barracuda. If you're after pelagics, judging from what the rod & reel guys catch you can expect tuna (yellow fin, albacore, big eye, skipjack & dogtooth) masi masi (dolphin fish) wahoo as well as marlin & other bill fish. You can check the Samoa Gamefishing site for more info: http://www.fishing.ws/archive/records.html.

cigutaria can be a problem ocassionally but if it occurs it's usally around late Sept to October before the palolo spawning.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for that Sean,

Will deffantly give you a call when I get in, will be great to dive with one of the locals!!!!

Take care and will see you in a few weeks!


I lived in on Upolu in Salani. Worked at the surf camp there for 4 months about 3 years ago. The reefs weren't that productive where I was - mainly parrot fish. Samoa is a really cool place. You're going when that side of the island gets big eastern swells that make the reefs pretty intense.

I've got some great pictures... Anyway, have fun!


Where are you living? Apia?
Hey srfchsr,
I'm just up the hill from Apia at Vailima. Parrot fish are definatly the most common reef fish on Upolu & pretty good eating. Plenty of bigger fish as well if you go looking for them. few weeks ago I had a couple of hugh 40kg+ giant travelly come up to me just off the beach at Aganoa (near the boulders surf break) & all I had was my little reef gun & no float:vangry
You're right about the swell. On the south & eastern coasts I stick to a handfull of spots with wide sheltered channels to swim out through & make sure to stay well away from the breakers. No fun getting pounded into the coral when it's breaking double overhead.:crutch
Hey smee,

Well I fly out to Samoa today!!! will give you a call in the next few days to see if you are up for a dive? 40kg GT's sound like fun!!!!!

Speak to you soon

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