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scallop recepies?

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neoprene dreamer
Aug 22, 2001
I have found that in my regular diving place there are fields of scallops, I got some last time I went out, but after getting the slimy things out of their shells I had no idea how to do them.. I ended up eating them sauted in white vine sauce.. it was ok, but not the greatest.. I mean the souace was great.. but I imagine there must be better ways to cook scallops.
I would be greatful for tips/advice for cooking these things..
My girlfrined was keen on helping me untill one of the scallops altready removed from the shell twitched and she screamed and jumped across the room, refusing to touch them again untill they are totally DEAD! ... so I did the dirty work..

Safe diving-


PS. is there any way to store scallops, I have heard of rumours that one could freeze them whole.. ??
mmmmmmmmmmm scallops.
They are very good raw, straight out of the shell, but if you don't fancy that;
Stir fried with garlic and smoked bacon, then maybe add some cream to make a sauce (or maybe not)
Cooked quickly on a very hot barbeque or skillet so the outside caramelizes slightly (maybe with some tabasco sauce)
In fish pie to make the pollack or mullet more interesting
Wrapped in bacon and baked in the oven
The most important thing with any method is not to overcook them

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