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"Scallops David Cameron" (the "Blair retirement party" recipe)

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Mr. X

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Forum Mentor
Jul 14, 2005
"Scallops David Cameron"

A simplified version of a recipe found in a friend's magnificant collection of cook books (which was itself the simplest scallop recipe in the books*). I wanted something very simple that would not mask or over shadow the prime ingredient: freshly caught scallops .

Quick guide: clean thoroughly, fry quickly with spring onions & serve with a generous squeeze of lime.


1 or 2 x fresh limes
10 scallops (guide: for a starter, 2 or 3 each)
5 spring onions (1 for each 2 scallops)
Sunflower oil (or canola/rapeseed oil)

Note: I deliberately avoided some favourite ingredients, such as garlic, olive oil and salt, because I wanted something a little lighter & different -- I wanted the scallops natural flavour to come through -- and it seemed to work
Full instructions:

1. First catch your scallops.

2. To clean scallops:
The aim is get a very clean scallop -- we don't want any nasty bacteria.
i. remove them from the shells
ii. remove & discard black/green sac (or keep for berley!) -- leaving the main white disc and corel frill, which should be hand cleaned carefully. There should only be white & pink flesh left.
iii. Thoroughly clean the shells (scrub using washing detergent & boiling water -- put them through the dishwasher if convenient).​
3. Chop the spring onions (about 5mm slice works for me!)

4. Heat up a frying pan will a thin coating of sunflower oil. Add the onions.

5. The pan should be pretty hot -- the aim is to fry the scallops quickly without over-cooking them. Add the scallops. Allow the scallops to just whiten and then turn them. When both side are cooked white, ensure that the sides are also cooked white. This makes sure all external surface are heat cleaned & the flavour is sealed in.

6. Serve the scallops & onions immediately in the scrubbed, curved shell of the scallops, with a generous squeeze of lime juice over each serving (which will also have a cleansing effect).​
I was truly amazed at how good this simple recipe tasted [step 1 might be the most magical ingredient ]. Scallops have a wonderful seafood taste that is subtle rather than overpowering and the onions & lime seemed to complement that -- providing 3 distinct tastes. Fantastic.

*I'd like to think this was based on a Nigella Lawson recipe -- but it probably wasn't.
[The perfect compliment to [ame=http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=63463]Jamie Oliver's Tony Bl*ir Bass recipe[/ame]]
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