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Scooter fun

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Frank O'Donnell

Apneic shutterbug
Apr 23, 2003
Okay, so my friend in the picture has a couple of tanks on his back, but I took the picture freediving.

Oh, and after he let me take the scooter for a spin -- all I can say is, I want one too!


  • jon-scooter.jpg
    224 KB · Views: 440
Other pics from Saturday

Went through the rest of my pics from Saturday (this was a trip to Santa Cruz Island in Southern California's Channel Islands, incidentally), and these are pretty much the keepers:


After watching Ted's excellent ice-freediving video, I have to say that when I see the 54 F temp on my D3 I feel like I'm in the tropics!
I'm a bit late getting around to reading this, but just wanted to say "Great shots", brotha. Very good color. All my shots looked too blue (or green or black). And I like the seal photo. The only seal I've ever seen was when I was 5......and it was clapping while balancing a ball on its nose (not exactly its natural settings).
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