I have mentioned safety in general terms in other threads. I would like to start a new thread on safety and start by asking some questions. Considering the number of deaths in the sport each year, and the amount of diving that is done, is SCUBA diving safe? One might make a comparison with driving on the freeway, or parachute jumping out of an airplane, or mountain climbing. Some pretty good statistics have been done for many sports (National Safety Council's "Accident Facts" is published annually), but I don't know if there are any accident rates published for scuba diving.
Of course there are many factors, conditioning, health, experience, training, environment, and equipment, for example. But what are the most important factors? Is the training adequate nowadays? Are enough people in poor condition or poor health "washed out" of classes?
I'm interested in what other people think. And if you have any current statistics (number of accdients and deaths, most frequent causes of accidents etc.) please include some of that too.
Of course there are many factors, conditioning, health, experience, training, environment, and equipment, for example. But what are the most important factors? Is the training adequate nowadays? Are enough people in poor condition or poor health "washed out" of classes?
I'm interested in what other people think. And if you have any current statistics (number of accdients and deaths, most frequent causes of accidents etc.) please include some of that too.