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Scuba vs. freedivings suits?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
May 1, 2005
Not much luck with the search. What's the difference? I hear the terms open cell, closed cell, and silver suit. What is an approriate suit for freediving and what is special about the silver suit? I've seen these around.

I've been using a custom fitted 3 mil hooded shorty (scuba) for freshwater free diving. It's cold but tolerable. Any reccomendations are appreciated.
Freediving suits are completely different. E.g. they don't have zippers, they mostly do have high waist pants + vest, they come in all different sorts of neoprene with endless numbers of different lining and / or coating combinations - which is what "open cell" and "silver lining" refer to. They are soooo much warmer then all the scuba stuff if you get the right one (drysuits not included, but well, can't have everything, can ya...) and waaaay more flexible . Plus, the ones I know are not pre-formed at the knees and elbows, so you have at least a chance to get properly streamlined :) . :inlove
Try to do a search for "Elios", "open cell", "lining" or "coating". Should give you heaps of hits.

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