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Sea Bream Recipe

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Snorkel Bum

Absolut Escargot
Mar 26, 2004
Hey guys... was cooking yesterday and made up this recipe, tasted pretty good!

Daurade Royale A La Snorkel Bum (Daurade Royal Is Sea Bream)

4 Sea Bream wighing around 250g
1 Kilo Potatoes
2 Medium Onions
2 Tomatoes
2 Lemons
White Wine
Olive Oil


1. Pre-cook the potatoes 10 minutes in boiling water (Do not peel or wash just boil them for 10 minutes)

2. Clean the guts and de-scale the fish put salt and pepper (be generous) 1 or 2 lemos circles inside the gut area

3. Oil down an oven pan (not sure what they are called, I will put a picture) Peel the potatoes and slice them up into thin slices and make a bed of potatoes in the pan thing

4. Cut the onions into rings and "sprinkle" them on the potatoes
Cover the "bed"of potatoes and onions with salt and pepper

5. Put the fish on the bed. Cut the tomato and put a nice big slice on the fish, put two smaller lemos slices on either side of the tomato (on the fish)
Cut up the remainder of the tomato into cubes and sprinkle everywhere

6. Put a good dose of Olive oil and white wine to cover it all

7. Cook for 30 minutes at 250 degrees

8. ENJOY! :duh
Reactions: tuomo and Pablo
How cool is that a guy posting a recipie, no sexism intedned! SB you need to get that leg better mate so you can go out and catch more, cook more, post more yummy pics. That looks really nice mate Im hungry now :waterwork Give me notice next time your cooking Ali's comming round for tea

I caught a 2 Kg Bass on Sunday, I filleted it seasoned the flesh with salt pepper and Tarragon, then put some slices of Brie on it stitched the two halves together with tooth picks (unused) stuck it on the BBQ and basted it with olive oil and lemon juice. That was cool too
Hi Snorkel Bum,

I very looks good!!

I think you forgot one ingridient... at least I like it a lot!!
I usualy just wash them well, smach them, and through them it into the oven pan with peel.

I don't like much the taste of the tomato when cooked in the oven...so I usually don't use it. But the rest is the same...

One leaf of Sweet laurel and some chopped Coriander is nice too!

Cheers ang good cooking,
Reactions: thud and donmoore
No i didnt de-skin it, but I de-scaled them,
next time I think I will put some herbs and stuff
Oh yeah, drink a red wine which is very light... I drank some Prieure-Lichine with it, went VERY well with it
Reactions: Murat
Ho, yes... I like to gut my fish by filleting from the back, and once the spine clean remove the guts and the gills with out cut the belly.

This way you can stuff the fish and stitch it back together.... looks impressive and the fish stays moist with out lose any flavor. Once on the table you just serve a good looking fish with out any bone.

Stirfry red capsicums, onion and garlic with a few green herbs and a touch of dry white wine seem to work nicely with snapper. On the top of some roasted veggies...

We should open a gastronomic section on this forum... a good dive is best followed by a great dinner!
Hmmm sounds good...
I am living in France btw... Dont get me wrong, I am not French!!! :duh

Don't justify yourself... you are becoming one of them! I know what I'm talking about: I've live in france for 12 years, and never been the same again!

How your leg is doing?

I found something you could like... have a look: if you can not dive for fish you can at least cook it!


This soup is a big production. It is not merely dinner, it is dinner for a ceremonial occasion, a ritual feast. It is worth it. The basic idea here is that you will make a broth first by boiling the shrimp shells and whatever fish carcasses you can obtain, in water, with a few seasonings. Then you prepare the main soup with tomatoes, onions, and garlic, and add the fish broth to it. In this vegetable/fish broth soup, you cook a common inexpensive fish, like cod, and then puree the tomato-onion-fish mixture. The puree then cooks another 45 minutes to develop its flavor. While it is simmering, you make a garlicky mayonnaise. The shrimp, scallops, clams, mussels, and more delicate fishes are added to the soup and cooked at the very last so that they are just barely done when the soup is served. When the soup is served, the mayonnaise is spread on little toasts of French bread which are then dipped in shredded gruyere cheese to be placed in the soup bowls, and the soup is ladled over it. Leftovers are not as good as the fresh soup, and fish is expensive, so plan carefully for zero leftovers. In the finished soup, you will be able to taste tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, fish and shellfish, chili, orange, herbs, fennel, and saffron. All are essential. This is a most delicious soup. It is one of the best things I know how to cook.

The broth:

Start with the shells from the shrimp and whatever bones, heads, fins and skin you can come by. A yellowtail collar is a fine contribution, too, although the fillet of this fish is not the best suited to this soup. Wash everything in copious running water, then cover with two quarts of water and add:

1 teaspoon of fennel seed

3 bay leaves

several grinds of black pepper

ten sprigs of parsley, not chopped

1 teaspoon salt

and boil it all together gently for 30 minutes. Strain this broth and discard everything but the broth.

Then prepare the vegetable body of the soup:

2 or 3 large onions, chopped in bite-sized pieces

10 cloves of garlic, crushed

2/3 cup of olive oil

1 teaspoon fennel seed, or a small bulb of fennel, chopped

½ cup parsley, chopped fine

1 teaspoon salt

Fry all of this together over medium heat in a large pot until the onions are well wilted and the garlic is cooked a bit. Then add:

1 large can crushed tomatoes

2 teaspoons thyme

3 strips of peel from an orange, about ½" x 3", orange part only, no white flesh

3 bay leaves

2 teaspoons ground black pepper

1 teaspoon saffron

2 teaspoons harissa sauce

and simmer about 20 minutes. Then add the fish broth prepared earlier, and

one pound of inexpensive fish fillets—frozen cod is fine.

and cook until the fish is done. Then remove the bay leaves and orange peel (but save them), puree the soup in batches (blender gives the best result) and return the soup and the bay leaves and orange peel to the pot to simmer another 30 to 45 minutes. The pureed soup will be a light orange color, but it will develop into a fine colorado red as it simmers, and the flavor will develop also. After 30 minutes or so, taste the soup and correct the seasoning for salt, pepper, and harissa. To this point you can prepare the soup ahead. Freeze it if you are not going to use it within 24 hours.

Note on harissa: You can buy harissa in a small can or in a tube at middle eastern markets. The tube is better because it keeps a long time, although if you put the harissa from the can in a little jar and put olive oil over it each time you use some, it will keep well also. If you cannot find harissa, substitute a couple of fresh chilis, seeded (either serrano or jalapeno is good) and add 1/2 teaspoon each ground cumin and coriander.

Somewhere less than three hours from serving time, make a mayonnaise with

one egg yolk and

about ¾ cup of olive oil.

Start by beating the yolk with a whisk until it is pale yellow, then add the oil, first in drops, then in half teaspoons, whisking thoroughly each time to assure the mayonnaise properly emulsifies. When you have a good quantity, add

2 or 3 cloves of crushed garlic,

a bit of harissa, and

salt to taste.

If you had a lot of presence of mind, you could have dropped

a tiny potato ( 1 ½", red or white)

into the soup and it would be cooked in about ten minutes, and you could now fish it out and peel it and mash it. Or you could cook the little potato briefly in the microwave. Either way, peel it and mash it thoroughly, then mix a bit of the mayonnaise with it, then mix the potato into the mayonnaise. If you are not going to serve within a half an hour, cover and chill the spicy potatoey garlicky mayonnaise.


a small baguette

into fairly thin slices and toast them lightly. You will need 4 to 6 pieces for each guest, assuming each guest will have seconds and that two to three will fit in your soup plates. The toasts can be prepared ahead, too, as the bread should be fairly thoroughly dry when they are finished toasting. Store them in a zip lock bag if you are not going to use them the same day.

When you are nearly ready to serve, heat the soup to a simmer, and put the shellfish and other fishes into the soup. Remember you have a pound of fish in the soup already, and aim for about 2 to 3 persons per pound of filleted or cleaned fish or shellfish. For 8 people I usually buy

1 pound shrimp

1 pound scallops

1 pound seabass

2 dozen clams or mussels, or ½ pound of another fish

but other varieties are fine, too.

Good candidates for this soup: seabass, halibut, red snapper, cod, ling cod, shrimps, scallops, clams, lobsters, mussels, and even sole. Basically, most shell fish and all white-fleshed sea fishes.

Bad candidates: swordfish, mackerel, tuna, yellowtail, bluefish, salmon, oysters, other oily fishes, squid and octopus, and all fresh water fishes.

Depending on the volume, the shellfish and fillets will cook in as little as 5 minutes. If there are many bivalves, it will take longer because their shells will cool the soup and it will have to come back to a simmer before the fish will cook.

While the soup is cooking, grate about

¼ pound of gruyere cheese,

spread the little toasts with mayonnaise and dip each one in grated cheese. Put two or three in each bowl and ladle the hot soup over it. There is great danger here that the guests will discover how delicious the little toasts with spicy potatoey garlickly mayonnaise and cheese are and eat them up before you serve, so proceed with caution.
Reactions: Snorkel Bum
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I want to try that our soon!
I dont have those fish in France though but I know what types of fish i should put in... Rascasse etc... THANKS!
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