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sea hornet Rhino

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Dec 18, 2006
does anyone know how the measurements go for the sea hornet rhino guns, i bought a 48 inch that i measured at 54? i need some help
Yeah, unfortunately different manufacturers use different ways to designate their guns and sometimes the numbers are misleading. For example, the most popular Sea Hornet is the 42 model, which actually measures 45 inches from muzzel to butt. However the standard shaft is 42 inches, and the barrel ahead of the trigger is about 38 inches. If you bought that gun from a dealer and you think is too large for your needs, you can ask for it to be exchanged for a shorter one. Or you can just saw off a few inches from the barrel, although then you will have to reseal the wood and also probably shorten the rubber bands and buy a shorter shaft. Dive Sports sells the Rhinos and they are your best source for advice. You can find their 800 number in this link:
Good luck.
i think they measure length of gun from muzzle to trigger mech, the bit sticking out of the back is pretty much only for loading, and maybe asthetics
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