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Sea-sickness: what should I take?

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Lord of the Brocean
Aug 13, 2007
Last time I was spearing I had to retire early on every dive due to feeling seasick... pretty wimpy, I know.

Hopefully going to get out this weekend and want to stock up on anti-sickness stuff! Just wanted to know if anyone had any good recommendations? Non-drowsy stuff would be best ;)

I've heard that crystalised ginger is a good 'natural' option.
Kwells and Calms are good over counter sea-sickness meds (calms is half the strength).

Use these or...be a man and take it rofl

Can't wait for this weekend mate! Do I need to book with the campsite Bro or will he allow me to turn up ~9pm?.
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Yeah, man up Bro or start getting your fish from ASDA rofl

On a more constructive note and with a little disclaimer 'cos i'm not a Chemist or Doctor so you might die or explode without taking the proper advice on this but:

Stugeron Stugeron (cinnarizine)

Remember to take it many hours before diving, maybe starting even the night before so that its in your system, once your sick if it hadn't been ingested it can't work. I know many people who have had success with this. I don't need it though, i'm a rock hard, cast iron stomached Northener :)

Like i said though take the extra advice from a chemist i'm sure this was an over the counter drug
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Just be a man and take it!!! lol

As soon as I convince the Mods to add 'negative' reputation, you're first on my list :t

Kwells and Calms are good over counter sea-sickness meds (calms is half the strength).

Can't wait for this weekend mate! Do I need to book with the campsite Bro or will he allow me to turn up ~9pm?.

Will head to the Chemists today and ask - thanks for the advice

Re the camp site - I'd guess that Ray would be happy to see you even if you turned up at 3 am with PaddyGoat playing the bagpipes and Apneaboy smoking his crack pipe.

Turn up whenever you want - he wont mind - no need to book

Like i said though take the extra advice from a chemist i'm sure this was an over the counter drug

Thankz youz
Didnt spearo dave already post the answer in the thread gabby bands thread Broseidon? lol

(seriously though Try Sturgeron)
Reactions: Broseidon
Didnt spearo dave already post the answer in the thread gabby bands thread Broseidon? lol

(seriously though Try Sturgeron)

ROFL! rofl

Isn't it meant to make you drowsy though? It comes with a warning about that.... Don't want to start kipping while I'm 10m down!
haha on the be a man bit. look out to the horizon, plenty of fresh air on your face and relax! I am sure sea sickness is 90% in the head (i know I'm going to be sick, my buds will laugh etc)

My first long boat ride (England to Chile!) I was sick for 3 weeks non-stop, until we reached Bermuda. Never been sick again in the worst seas. I was 8 then

be a man and get used to it
Don't worry Brosiedon...its happened to me too - bloody awful!!!!!

At the risk of being a bit serious for a bit - as a musculo-skeletal physio who has a speciality in vestibular problems one of the best things you can do is some vestibular exercises - in particular ''gaze stabilisation'' exercises. These are similar to what fighter pilots do to help them with flying at stupid speeds and having loads of visual and movement stimulation - it can work a treat but takes a while to get the neural adaptations required!

Some exercises can be found on:

search under gaze stabilization - its an american website!
Reactions: Broseidon
Try the sturgeron out of the water first its pretty effective and I havnt seen anyone get drowsy on it, better safe than sorry though!
...as a musculo-skeletal physio ...

I'm afraid I stopped reading at the point I read "musculo-skeletal" alongside the word "physio"... care to fix my shoulder for me? :blackeye

I got into a fight with a bench press and it won :crutch

Will continue reading now!
On the subject of sea sickness we had a lad in our club that used to be sick EVERY trip. I have honestly seen him be sick in the swimming pool just from people jumping in rofl

On this one trip he was trying to get off with a rather nice lady and he asked me to back him up in every situation and if he said he was good at something to big him up.

He decided to use those wrist bands that are supposed to work on pressure points to stop the sea sickness without drowse inducing drugs, all was good for 3 hours until i noticed they had come off the area they should be on, when pointed out to him he looked down he suddenly realised and immediately turned white (which was pretty impressive considering he was of Asian persuasion rofl)

3 hours into the trip he was bent over the rail, arse in the air, projectile vomiting, being consoled by his hopefully future partner. Not wanting to let a friend down in his hour of need i went over and explained how good he was at this, and that he could do it at will, even in a swimming pool. He couldn't quite flip the bird inbetween vomits but at least i'm a man of his word

His other friend came over and put both arms around his waist and started to do doggy style pelvic thrusts to him while he was bent over the rail, arse in the air in time with his projectile vomiting. Every time he chundered he got a pelvic thrust and a big 'go on big boy take it'

Another dive boat was passing at this time and his mate shouted over at the top of his voice to the amusement of the other boat:

'I think this one is full lads, NEXT'

I don't know why but I don't think they got together, and come to think of it we haven't seen him for a while........ Good trip though

I was driving a boat full of Navy Seals and half way through the charter I saw some vomit in the head and I know it wasn't myself or my crew so apparently one of them was sick but you would never know it. (It could have been a hang over come to think of it.) My point is that even the toughest of the tough can get sick.

I drive a boat for a living and on really rough days wile bottom fishing I've been a bit sick so it's no big deal as long as you don't act like a wimp.
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If you haven't been sick yet you just haven't found the right boat a skipper once told me.

I have been sick upon loads, about four or five times.

One a lump of sick hit me right in the face and literally rolled down, nice and warm. Not that funny.
I'm afraid I stopped reading at the point I read "musculo-skeletal" alongside the word "physio"... care to fix my shoulder for me? :blackeye

I got into a fight with a bench press and it won :crutch

Will continue reading now!


Damn those 15's eh!!!!!!!!

If we ever meet up for a dive i'll sort your shoulder out for you - promise!!!!?!
If we ever meet up for a dive i'll sort your shoulder out for you - promise!!!!?!


It's taken a bit of a battering over the years - fair bit of ligament damage from general weightlifting injuries - considering some of the things I've done to it, it's not in too bad shape.

I think I hyper-extended the joint a couple of months back - I'm not sure it could really be fixed but you can always have a prod!

One thing I was wanting to ask you - have you ever seen muscle starting to come away from the bone? Not happening to me personally but an older guy in the gym is having a few problems with his chest with the lower pectoral area - I think the muscle is coming away from the sternum. I'm a bit of an amateur doctor on the sly

Sounds like you've put it thro the mill! Still you will have a stupid love of the gym??!!? Only jealous mind...used to love going but have lost all my enthusiasm at the moment - moment being the last 2yrs!!!!

Muscle coming away can happen I suppose - not seen it myself unless its with an avulsion fracture tho or when there is a complete rupture of the muscle- without looking at him i wouldn't like to hazard a guess at what is going on tho!
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Yeah - I've been a bit silly in the past! Worst was when I was doing Olympic lifting and fell over with 140kg above my head - for some reson held onto the bar... important bits got crunched :head

Still have massive enthusiasm for the weights though - allows me to destress! If I didn't do that, I'd probably be something like an alcoholic or an axe murderer!

Re muscle coming away, I know it's happened to a few of the older Pro-Bodybuilders -there's a guy called Marcus Ruhl who actually had an implant put in to fix the gap!