Errr.... turn away if you may get offended 
A penguin is driving around town when all of a sudden his car begins to spluter and die out. He drives into the nearest service station and tells the mechanic there about the hassles he's having. The machanic gives his car a quick once over, and says to him "This should take about half an hour - come back and pick it up then".
Penguins being the frigid creatures they are, he decided to grab himself an ice cream while he is waiting. He buys the biggest, creamiest vanilla ice cream money can buy, and lacking an opposable thumb, pushes his face into it to eat it. Ice cream goes everywhere - all over the floor, all over the counter, all over his face. He takes a quick look at his watch and realises he's late, so forgoing the clean up, he races back to the mechanic.
When he gets there, the mechanic looks him up and down, and says "Well, it's not pretty, but it looks like you've blown a seal."
To which the penguin replies "Nah mate, it's just ice cream."
A penguin is driving around town when all of a sudden his car begins to spluter and die out. He drives into the nearest service station and tells the mechanic there about the hassles he's having. The machanic gives his car a quick once over, and says to him "This should take about half an hour - come back and pick it up then".
Penguins being the frigid creatures they are, he decided to grab himself an ice cream while he is waiting. He buys the biggest, creamiest vanilla ice cream money can buy, and lacking an opposable thumb, pushes his face into it to eat it. Ice cream goes everywhere - all over the floor, all over the counter, all over his face. He takes a quick look at his watch and realises he's late, so forgoing the clean up, he races back to the mechanic.
When he gets there, the mechanic looks him up and down, and says "Well, it's not pretty, but it looks like you've blown a seal."
To which the penguin replies "Nah mate, it's just ice cream."