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seal snorkelling trips

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Sharks Beware!
Jul 20, 2007
hey guys, told a friend that i would post this for all you that may be interested...she needs all bookings by thursday morning the latest..
they are having boat trips to snorkel with seals (hout bay seal island i think), its on saturday and sunday at 09.30, 11.30, 13.30 and 15.30 and the price is R250.00 as well as free beers at Rafiki's on the 25th (only if you went with).

Why not post out invitations to a dinner party for all the local white sharks, and then marinate yourself in tuna blood and thrash about at the surface? roflroflrofl Seal diving in SA would seem to me a very risky proposal!
Reactions: foxfish
Hehe! yeah , its hout bay seal island, not false bay (although there are still whites there..) and what the tour guides tell the snorkellers is that the seals are too shallow and while in the shallows and kelp the whites will not come....(we know better though)
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