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Seals !

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Don't Mention Competitions
Jul 24, 2005
This guy made me jump!! Caught an image at 10mt's.
Got plenty of Bass surrounding me during my aspetto's, beautiful.


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great pics Robbo - I love watching the seal, but they scare the fish away as well ha ha ha - had a seal pinch a Bass off my float once - cheeky thing!
Robbo66 great picts really good viz. where did you take them?
Nice one Robbo, I had my first seal encounter a few days ago. Seals are not that common in Guernsey but the one we came across was very inquisitive & hung around for a hour or so.
Seals were amazing, very friendly but we needed to move on as Bass were thin on the ground. Seals followed our Kayaks, so needed to keep going until they disappeared. Tied gun to float and set off with camera, really enjoyable. Certainly teaches you to keep still.


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I have been thinking about buying a water proof housing for my camera. What model are you using Robbo?
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I had one follow me last year in cornwall, very graceful animal for its size and very fast. It was twirling around my feet all the way back to shore. Very cool in hindsight but slighty freaked out at the time!
foxfish said:
I have been thinking about buying a water proof housing for my camera. What model are you using Robbo?
Sunday Telegraph this weekend had two separate articles on underwater cameras ... see if you can find a copy somewhere (or on-line).
Hi Mr X,

I am working in Seaton, Budleigh, Lyme area on Monday 10th and would like to get in during the evening as never fished that area. Could you recommend a good pub/hotel where I could stay. Much appreciated.

Hi Rob,
I just emailed you full details of the places I have stayed and that I know of. I think you will find something good & convenient without any bother. Let me know if you have any further questions. Its a great area - although bear in mind, I like quiet places.

For anybody else interested, pm me. I just search the web for B&Bs - and found a couple of good one. This is a good place to start if you want to rent a place rather around Lyme (every seaside town should have a site just like this one!): http://www.lymebayholidays.co.uk/

Hope you get good conditions - some places are more sheltered than others.
Nice Pics Rob!
Hard to beat the Canon cameras for colour, I have a Canon S50 myself.
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