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Seared tuna with an interesting salad

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Erection Supervisor ;)
Jan 19, 2001
Mango (fresh)
fresh cilantro
spring onions (just the green part)

mix crushed garlic and lemon juice

add together with sweet thai chilli sauce, and mix the whole lot up.

serve with tuna marinated in soy sauce and seared lightly.

had this a barbie on friday - was really nice!
washed down with two glasses of white wine - so drunk i was anybody's rofl
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I use similar mixture when cooking scallops, try adding a couple of fresh chillis next time to perk it up :)
mmmm will do. making it tonight again will give it a bash. oh yeah, she did put it one red thai chilli.
Will have to use nectarines here as Mrs. Sarge has a hideous latex allergy that transfers over to mangos and (poor woman!) avocado but it definitely looks like a good try.

Another sauce for the tuna might (for those in rather cooler climes than Dubai) be to take rhubarb stalks chopped and cooked down over a double boiler for hours with a cup sugar for each two cups rhubarb plus a couple of cloves and grated ginger. A bit much for most fish but seared tuna is so close to beef that it should work a treat. Good on game, too.
Will have to use nectarines here as Mrs. Sarge has a hideous latex allergy that transfers over to mangos and (poor woman!) avocado but it definitely looks like a good try.

No avocados!!!!!?:rcard

That poor, poor woman:(

Sounds like it was good, if I could cook I would try it sometime.:t
Man, you don't know the half of it! Mangos, papayas, kiwi, oranges, watermelon, celery for God's sake, cherries . . . It's a good thing chocolate isn't on the list because if it was I'd have to keep a 24/7 suicide watch on the lady. Believe me, it makes cooking a real challenge in our house! Inventive, though . . .
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Man, you don't know the half of it! Mangos, papayas, kiwi, oranges, watermelon, celery for God's sake, cherries . . . It's a good thing chocolate isn't on the list because if it was I'd have to keep a 24/7 suicide watch on the lady. Believe me, it makes cooking a real challenge in our house! Inventive, though . . .

I dont know how she can go on :(

Tough woman, that mrs.sarge.:hmm
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No wonder you are off to the far flung corners hunter gathering Old Sarge! You just need to keep them on side.rofl
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