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Seeing the light...again!

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
I haven't done much time in the sea for the last couple of years for various reasons, today went snorkeling on the Isle of Wight and was instantly reminded why I like doing what we do. I spotted several average sized mullet and one very, very decent sized bass, the fog of every day life was lifted and I saw the light....again. I didn't have my wetsuit or fins so got out when my little fingers wouldn't stay where I wanted them to! As this is the snorkeling section and I am pleased to see its arrival, I've used different snorkels, each with its pluses and minuses but generally go back to my aging typhoon, with flexible hose, purge valve and splash guard in conjunction with old faithful, my Hollis. Also the visibility was phenomenal, I'm used to the mainland side of the Solent....we've evolved whiskers to feel the fish........
Reactions: Mr. X and DRW
My wife has been on it me to visit the IOW for a couple of years now. She actually visited it earlier this year with the local gardening club. She loved it, so good to read that there are fish too.
Reactions: DRW and Pinniped72
It's a great place and the fish, I literally just pushed off from the beach with mask and snorkel, no obvious features on one beach apart from weed and rocks, saw the mullet straight away and a really good sized bass in the weed, the biggest bass I've ever seen at about 15 foot deep, couldn't believe it! Further along this beach are more rock formations, cliffs and a large rocky outcrop which would be excellent I think. On another beach there were a couple of groins and the mullet were again present, along with small school bass. Interestingly I saw spearos at both locations
Reactions: Mr. X and DRW
I found a new beach in Devon this year. It was small yet contained several "schools"? of small bass. I could hardly believe how many I saw, like rats. Unfortunately all far too small to take. I thought I glimpsed a moderate mullet shortly after entering the water but it glimpsed me first and was off like a shot!
Reactions: Pinniped72
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