At 21:30 GMT+1, that's about 2,5 hours, we start a small static competition here in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Read more about the competition here with some special rules: Shark Hot Tub Static Competition | Shark Freediving
The fun thing is that we're going to broadcast this competition live with 2 camera's. 1 mobile cam so that you can see from very close maybe some nice LMC or blackout. And the other one is also a test for us: an underwater camera facing up to the person doing static.
Furthermore we do realtime updates about the performances in a chat window that you don't need to refresh all the time. So Glenn, no more f5 nightmares.
All this is an experiment for a bigger dynamic competition on January 23 where we're going to have a camera live streaming the moving freediver underwater (the camera will follow the freediver from the side).
You can find the LIVE test page here:
Live | Shark Freediving
have fun watching!
The fun thing is that we're going to broadcast this competition live with 2 camera's. 1 mobile cam so that you can see from very close maybe some nice LMC or blackout. And the other one is also a test for us: an underwater camera facing up to the person doing static.
Furthermore we do realtime updates about the performances in a chat window that you don't need to refresh all the time. So Glenn, no more f5 nightmares.
All this is an experiment for a bigger dynamic competition on January 23 where we're going to have a camera live streaming the moving freediver underwater (the camera will follow the freediver from the side).
You can find the LIVE test page here:
Live | Shark Freediving
have fun watching!