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sharks at sunset cliffs sd,ca ??

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New Member
Feb 14, 2006
I went out to sunset cliffs yesterday at about 4 pm and the vis sucked. I was about 100 yds south of the stairs about 75yds out in about +- 12ft of water and the vis was about 6' or 7'. I was looking down with my gun pointed out in front of me when out of the corner of my right eye I saw the back half of a shark, I turned my body towards it as it swam slowly away. I estimated it to be atleast 6' long judging by the size of the tail, I guess it swam right beneath and between my buddy and myself,(he was about ten yds in front of me) it was right on the edge of where the vis got shitty and I'm pretty sure it was grey, however I CAN say for sure that it scared the shit out of me, it didn't seem agitated at all based on the way it was just cruising along, needless to say I swam back to where the reef sits just below the water because I'm a giant pussy and saw only a few perch and sargo after that. Has anybody seen any sharks besides leopards out there?
There are soupfins as well as horn sharks. I saw a big (~7-8') seven gill last week. It had huge scrape or bite marks on the right side of it's body. The thing was thick but it was really mellow. I got to within touching distance. The only shark that I've encounter that showed any interest in me were a couple soupfin. I had a few fish hanging on my kui stringer and a pesky soupfin kept circling me.
oh right on thanks for the reply, I'm just trying to quell any fears about it being anything OTHER than those types of sharks, if you know what I mean:)

take 'er easy

Being on the water more will show you that "hey, I won't be eaten...". But those "OTHER" types are out there too. I've never seen them, and I hope I don't ever have the pleasure. I did see a hammerhead two years ago.

two years ago i was at catalina at johnsons rock,60 fet of water fishing croakers. we were getting bit real well when all of a sudden mr whitey starts eating our hooked fish . he ate three fish then didnt see him again. really scared the sh#t out of me! i was diving the same spot night before and on the west end. just kinda keeps you guessing. really made me think for quite a while about where i dove . so i know how you feel when you see one in the water. it took me awile to relax again especially when i saw big dark movement at night. it was only seals but it really gets the imagination going. dive long and keep safe.
I have seen some really big sharks there and around garbage. In shallow water too over the last few years, especially when the water is cooler like right now. I have seen them from the cliffs, from my surfboard and from my boat. Havent been out there yet this year, but I will be careful and keep an eye out for "sharky" conditions.

When I was a kid, while fishing in that area and farther south towards the point, we watched a small mako we were dragging backwards (trying to drowned) get eaten by an airplane sized GWS right off the stern of our 13 foot aluminum boat. Talking about shittin yourself ! The big bastard came right up and bit the mako's head off, up to its pectoral fins in one smooth bite, it almost stopped the little boat with the little 13 Hp outboard floored.

One of my friends on that trip, has NOT been back on the water since....that was back in 1978.

Be careful out there. Two buddies of mine got "buzzed" by a VERY big GWS north of La Jolla shores early last summer. The shark came in very fast and agitated, but when it determined it wasnt a food source for it, he slowed down, acted totally uninterested, turned and left the area, never to be seen again by them.

The "Big guy in the Grey Suit"... is out there alway's on patrol.
I've heard that story with the mako before, crazy. Was that one last summer the 8ft GWS off of Torrey Pines reef? Or something else.
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