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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2001
I remember the firs time I saw a shark, I was a 8 year old and I was freediving (better say snorkeling) in a wreck close to my house. My uncle was taking underwater pictures and asked me to went down and pass through a hole in the wreck. When I was about to pass out the hole, a nurse shark was coming in. Both (shark and me) ran like a ray. After that I had seen some sharks (oceanic white tip, lemon, gray, nurse (again)). They usually didn´t give me too much attention and disappear in the blue like ghosts. But 1 month ago I had a new experience, I took a friend to a place where we ussually found grey sharks, because I wanted that he saw how etereous they are, and that the real danger is very low. I went also with my brother and a friend who is a spearo ( but he shoots everything in movement). We leave the sail boat and swam about 500 meters away from it. Then our spearo friend, shoot a big blue parrot fish (as I tell you before, he shoots everything), but because we where far away from the boat he had to continue with the fish in his hand, after 10 minutes I decided to turn around towards the sail boat, when a 3 meters gray shark come to us. I was fascinated because he looked like a plane. He was swimming around us, and I dove several times under him to see it better. At that moment I realized that that was the first encounter of my friend with a shark and looked him. He was paralized, and at that moment a 2.5 meters grey shark join us. I pointed him the boat, and he started to swim very slowly. I said to the spearo that give the fish to the big guys, but he didn´t want to do that. He just took the fish out of the water. We started to go back to our boat, but the 2 sharks came behind us. That was a strange behavior because they usually vanish rapidly. The "little" shark was swimming very fast and with no grace. I asked again to the spearo to gave them the fish. He said no. At that moment I saw the most terrorific scene in my life the 2.5 metrs shark was swimming as fast as a bullet towards my brothers, He puts his fins in front and wait for the hit. The shark hit his fins with incredible force and inmediatly my brother gave him a strong kick in his head. Then the shark come to my legs, but as soon as I had it close, gave him another kick in the head. After that the spearo gave him the fish, and the biggest shark ate it at once. They get apart a little bit and we can reach the boat. I never expected to be attacked by a shark, because all the times they were very gentle with me, I remember how hard was one time when I tried to photograph 3 grey sharks, they always ran away from me. I think the biggest problem was the fish and the other was our attitude of swim away from them. Whit this story I don´t want to say that the sharks are maneaters. They are one of the most beautiful animals but We have to undestand they behavior to avoid danger situations.

Frank Pernett
Thanks a lot fpernet, a great story. And a great warning to us of how fragile and alien we are in water after all.
Luckily you and your brother were able to 'defend' yourself from these attacks, but it makes me wonder if i would be too paniced to react the same way.

I actually never saw a shark myself, and i've been trying to find one. I hope that we'll see sharks in sharm el sheik. ( Me and my brother Pekka and who ever wishes to join us there.)

I greatly admire sharks as animal, and find them facinating and scary.

Anyways its good that nothing hapened to you or anyone with you. I hope your friend didn't develope lifelong phobia towards sharks.

Best wishes and safe dives.

Reactions: Pekka
i'd share some if i could..

hey guys,

down in the florida keys, we can't stray from our boat too much. every fish we shoot pretty much heads straight for the cooler. if they're in the water for too long, we'll get company. i've got some crazy stories on my website, if you're up for some light reading on big sharks.

anyways, my theory on spearfishing with sharks around is basically KISS. (Katch It Swiftly & Safely ) i don't like to hunt in shallow water when there are sharks around. they automatically assume that you're on their territory and if you're shooting fish up like mad-men, they'll get quite pissy, if you know what i mean. we find that hunting in deeper water tends not to threaten them as much. it's just that you really have to work on your marksmanship, because a "stoned" fish is an "owned" fish. a wounded one is only up for whoever wants it most.

safe hunting fellas,
Here's one...

More than a few years ago... I was abalone diving, which here in Northern California is all freediving, about 2 hours North of San Francisco. I was alone as is my modus operendi.

I had just measured and placed my last ab into the goody bag clipped to my surf mat, and pulled my hood back to soak up some of the sunbefore I would kick the half mile or so back to the beach. I was sitting on the mat like a saddle and basking, when I heard and FELT a big splash behind me. I whipped my head around to see the upper half of a seal flipping over my head! Needless to say, the water that splashed up around me and formed a large stain around my mat was rapidly going red.

And that's it! Everything went quiet, I mean really quiet, as in "my heart beat was too loud", quiet. I clearly remember thinking that this was it. But nothing. No more anything...

I slowly kicked, still on the mat, to the kelp line which I followed to the shore where my knees gave out. As I climbed up the cliffside to see what was going on, a brilliant red stain was traveling South with the current, easily covering 100 yds.

I gave an ab back to the rocks as a thanks.

Geezus....good story dude! I'm sweating.
Live long and prosper,
Erik Y.
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