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"Should Blood Sports be Banned Outright?" (fishing is a bloodsport)

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Mr. X

Forum Mentor
Staff member
Forum Mentor
Jul 14, 2005
"Should Blood Sports be Banned Outright?" (fishing is a bloodsport) Sky News Survey

Sky have a live on-line survey (yesterday & today) on banning all bloodsports (which includes fishing & spearfishing). Incredibly, the proposed ban was marginally winning early yesterday but now reflects a 73% vote against (i.e. pro-hunting & fishing).

If you like to fish or otherwise hunt, or support other people's right to do so, please vote against the ban (if not, presumably you are a vegan...please vote against "the Man" anyway! ):


[Pity they didn't do the survey before starting to ban hunting. Oh - I forgot they did -- 57% opposed the ban. Pity we don't live in a democracy...oh, we do:hmm :duh rofl ]
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It really sickens me to see the plight of the sportsman in Britain, Austraila and others. it happening in this country too. I don;t think the anti's relize that is the sportsman (the hunter, the fisherman) that contributes the most to conservation.
Wrong, Colin, they don't care! Anti's aren't about animals, they're about control.
cars are blood sports for the damage they do...tell em to ban them too..then see how many follow
Many of the extreme animal rights activists are criminals, There was a case recently in the UK where a lobster Fisherman had his boat cast off and damaged and all his pots wrecked by animal rights activists.
He is a single parent and has no insurance to cover that kind of thing.
Scum one and all those anti's
Huan said:
Many of the extreme animal rights activists are criminals

Scum one and all those anti's

In my opinion...
99% of animal rights activists that I know personaly have some psychological issues with themselves. Mostly they are hurt by another person in some period of their lives. The sad thing is that they love animals much more then they would ever let themselves to love another human being. The only difference between them is the line that some of them cross like those in Huan's example.

Don't take me wrong, I do like animals, and hate to see someone torturing them. But, I do eat meat! And most of all, I like consuming animal (fish) that I caught!

Looks like the vote has become even more pro-hunting ~82%. Good to see common sense does still exist.
I am guessing here...but I am under impression that people are more concerned about civil liberties suffering in recent years rather than seeing this as a hunting issue.
octopus said:
I am guessing here...but I am under impression that people are more concerned about civil liberties suffering in recent years rather than seeing this as a hunting issue.
This poll is quite specific & limited in scope.

Are people worried about civil liberties? You would hope so -- but not too much judging by the # of people who support the 90 days lock up on Sky's other poll -- the majority are for it apparently:duh. There is little sympathy for terrorists here, but you just know that law is going to be abused (just look at those awful incidents at the Labour Party conference this year).

[Some people think we have a right to free-speech in Britain...I don't think that has ever been the case. The USA is ahead of us on that one.]
Mr. X said:
[Some people think we have a right to free-speech in Britain...I don't think that has ever been the case. The USA is ahead of us on that one.]

Well, yeah! Why do you think we wrote it into law? You guys really need the entire Bill of Rights established in GB. Any party that rode on that platform would run right over Parliament, IMO.
Oldsarge said:
Well, yeah! Why do you think we wrote it into law? You guys really need the entire Bill of Rights established in GB. Any party that rode on that platform would run right over Parliament, IMO.
The Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights are magnificant documents. However, if you had seen the huge dung heap that was proposed for an EU constitution -- you would understand that there might be little enthusiasm for it here :ko . I agree, a small UK Bill of Rights might be a good thing -- but I shudder to think what the current government might come up with:duh. I doubt if they would see the need for " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" -- in fact I think that would worry them a great deal!

[84.6% against a hunting ban now :wave ]
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Exactly! The Constitution was written to limit government, at least at the Federal level. The current crop of politicians, including ours, chafes at the idea of being limited. Additionally, armed citizens are hard to push around. Constitutions should be limited to grand principals not to trying to cast fiddling little details in stone. That IMO is the major reason the EU constitution failed . . . as well it should!
Well said!
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