Reading many breath hold increase guides, they all say to relax your muscles. "make sure no muscles are tense, tense muscles use up oxygen"
I'm a high strung person that does a lot of physical work and exercise daily. For my entire life, I have never had a massage or physical therapy worked on me.
Last time i went to get a work physical examination, the person just looked at me and said "man your shoulders look tight"
I can definitely feel my muscles tighten up when I dive, no matter how relaxed I am, i feel like I am flexing everything
Thoughts on going to a masseuse or physical therapist? Has anyone here done it before? did it increase your dive time?
I'm a high strung person that does a lot of physical work and exercise daily. For my entire life, I have never had a massage or physical therapy worked on me.
Last time i went to get a work physical examination, the person just looked at me and said "man your shoulders look tight"
I can definitely feel my muscles tighten up when I dive, no matter how relaxed I am, i feel like I am flexing everything
Thoughts on going to a masseuse or physical therapist? Has anyone here done it before? did it increase your dive time?