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simple old homemade spearguns

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New Member
Jul 28, 2004
A couple weeks ago I got a chance to poke around my father's workshop and found these guns tucked way back on one of his shelves. I was pretty stoked since I hadn't seen them since I was a boy. I dusted them off and snapped some pictures. No fancy triggers or line releases. Pretty simple pieces but cool to look at.


Anyone else out there with crusty old homemade guns they could share?

Fascinating design and construction!!!!! Thanks for posting!

I saw something like like that in a documentary once but never got a close look at how the trigger was built. I figured surviving examples of that trigger probably no longer existed. It's so cool that you still have those.

Do you have any history on the origins or evolution of that trigger design?
Fish Tale said:
Do you have any history on the origins or evolution of that trigger design?

I wish I knew. But its pretty straight forward so I can see how anyone could have come up with something like this. The shaft is basically held in place by a pinching action. I guess its similar to a clothes pin. Squeeze on the long lever and the shaft is released.

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