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Sinus problems

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2003
Hi I am hoping some other freedivers may have experienced a similar problem and may be able to offer advice as to how they have over come it.

For about nine months now I have been experiencing difficulty equalising my sinus cavities. Specifically, I can equalise my ears no problem, but the more I dive, the tighter my sinuses become to the point where the last time I was out I could not dive at all. This has never happened to me before and I have been freediving most of my life. I am getting frustrated and worried that the problem has not cleared up.

When descending, I get severe paid in my head until I can equalise my sinuses, and when I return to the surface it can be over a minute before the extra pressure in my sinuses releases, which is also painful, but not as bad as the descent. I have also had a bad experience flying when I could not equalise my sinuses and the pain got so bad I actually asked the flight attendant for help. She brought me some Vicks nasal spray and after using it, my sinuses finally cleared after another five minutes or so and the pop was so loud my wife heard it sitting next to me! The pain was so bad I though my two front teeth were going to pop off.

I don't have a cold and suffer from no allergies. I have seen the doctor who prescribed me some drugs to clear an infection to no avail. He is now talking about a rather invasive operation I would prefer to avoid.

In years past I have done some deeper dives to the 60m range at which time I used to get some blood from my sinuses and I now worry that I have damaged them.

Even as I sit at my desk, while I can clear I feel my left nostril is slightly blocked.

Any help or past experience would be greatly appreciated. Freediving is one of the true loves of my life and this problem is really getting me down. :head


Same thing happened to me in my late thirties after living in S. California for 7-8 yrs. I was lucky and it didn't affect the flying but it really messed up the diving. Up until then, I didn't realize that sinuses could cause problems. At age nine, an old diver taught me to open the eustation tubes and dive as fast as I could swim.
Sudafed saved the day. Take two about an hour before getting in the water. Don't know about the new Sudafed that the druggies have forced on us but I'll find out soon.
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I also have sinus problems that affect my diving. It used to get quite bad as my sinuses fill up with blood when I try to "force" a dive and push through the pain and blockage to go deeper - which is not a good idea. :rcard

Sometimes, I would come up on the surface after being in the water a while and suddenly expel a huge amount of mucous from my nose / mouth and then my sinuses would be fine for a while. :)

So far, my best solution to avoid sinus pressure/clogging has been targeting what causes the mucous build up in the first place. In my case, its has to do with diet and avoiding all types of dairy - anything from a cow except beef and organs. Even a little cream with coffee - I now use Soymilk. If I get a cheese craving - I eat a little goat cheese. I avoid wheats and processed flours - most breads, muffins, bagels, pastas, etc. This regimen really alleviates the build up. I also try eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies and stay away from junkfood. I try to stay away from drugs and I used to eat EVERYTHING in the past and never had any allergies either, but my sinuses always bugged me.

From what my doctor (naturopathic) told me, unless I have some kind of physical problem with my sinuses, my diet is the main contributing factor to sinus buildup.
Do you think it's just mucus or a real physical block?

I think you should see a specialist and get your sinuses mapped (with whatever they use today, I forgot). It could be that you have a polyp growing in some passage obstructing air movement. I know a free diver who had this and last I heard the operation solved the problem.

By the way, except dairy (which makes the largest amount) another thing that is calimed to affect mucus production is processed sugars.
Hi gbo200,

Not sure this will work for you, but it was magic for me once, and is cheap and easy. Get the doc to prescribe a 5-6 day course of cortizone pills. If you are dealing with residual , long term inflamation from a cold or ? , the cortizone will take care of it.

Good luck

Thanks for your thoughts guys. I went to see the doc on Thursday and have been referred for a CT scan and to a an ENT specialist. I think that is an xray. If it is I hope they let me keep the xray of my head - COOL! haha.

Seriously though. Went out again on Saturday and basically could not descend. Did a few dives to a few meters. I am in Guernsey and it used to be the case that I could always get to the bottom regardless of depth (as it is generally very shallow around here) so I am very bummed these days about my diving.

Thanks for the thoughts; I will try them on the ENT.

keep us posted on any progress og revelation of the problem! and the best of luck! :)
George - my mate Fabio had this problem and even lasted a bit after surgery.... now he practices jala neti (yoga - nose cleaning - google it) and a bit of pranayama y
yoga... this works for him - it may not for you but at any rate it is generally considered to be beneficial (but I am no expert so perhaps read around on this).

He got into this situation (he thinks) by doing alot of relatively deep spearfishing (25m to 35m) in Sardinia (... but doesn't regret it as the grouper tasted good he says :) ). So perhaps it is sinus trauma caused by deep diving ? I think you said that most of your dives are around 18m to 25m here in Guernsey but some down to 45m ?

His condition may be different from yours etc so I guess the first stop is the doc...

Good luck with it mate.

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Turns out deepthought was correct. My doc says I have nasal polyps and seriously chronically infected sinuses. This means an operation under general anaethetic is in my future, both to remove the unwanted bits, but also to drain my sinuses, some of which are completely filled with some unmentionable stuff. This despite the fact that I sit here otherwise heathly, and don't even have a runny nose! Now that I have been diag-nosed (pun intented) I do realise I always feel stuffed up and it is affecting me in other ways, like sleeping and no being able to taste much.

The doc says it wasn't the diving that did it, and that they can happen to anyone. There is no known cause for the polyps.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the operation (yet to be scheduled) and will then reward myself with a new 7mm Elios camo suit so I can make up for lost time this winter.

I would recommend anone experiencing these same problems gets to thier doc to get sorted. I wish I had six months ago so I could have enjoyed the summer diving in Guernsey.

Will report back after the op.

Wish me luck,

BAH! I'm booked for functional endoscopic sinus surgery 17 Nov. I was temped to do it myself at home with a dremel and a vacuum cleaner but I couldn't see what I was doing and the wife didn't want any part of it. Looking forward to having it done and getting back in the water and equalising like the good old days.

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Just caught on this thread. Sorry to hear you have to go in for surgery, GBO200. Is it outpatient or inpatient? Hope everything goes smoothly and your recovery is quick. Very best cheers and wishes to you and your wife. Just think, you are 10 days closer to that new Elios suit!


P.S. Although the surgery does not sound like fun at all, best to nip problems in the bud, I think. I just learned last week that chronic otitis externa/media can increase the risk of developing squamous cell carcinomas in the ear canal. If caught early, prospects are good. The problem is that they're often found too late because it often just looks like a case of otitis.
OK After re-reading this thread I can't believe I was hoping someone else has experienced these problems, as now I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (well except for one guy who has really pissed me off recently - another story).

I had the operation on 17 Nov. It was supposed to be routine, but my sinus disease turned out to be much more extensive than the doctor had previously thought. I was in surgery for 2.5 hours while he drilled holes through my skull into my sinuses, sucked out the nasties that has been up there for about a year, and cut out some offending tissue which shouldn't have been there in the first place called 'polyps'. Nice.

When I came to I thought I was going to die. I asked for my wife and they said they were having difficulty reaching her. So then I asked them to call my secretary! HAHA. Luckily it was after 5pm so they couldn't get her either.

Anyway, the worst part was the postoperative checkups when the doctor used a six-inch narrow tube with suction and a pair of forceps (also known as needle nose pliers) to clear out the crusty debris. Twice in a week. Not nice. He tried to use some local anaesthetic, which just sank into all the bits and pieces but not my tissue. Imagine your worst trip to the dentist and times by ten. I was off work for a week, signed off for two and I should have stayed off that second week as well.

The good news is that I can now clear my sinuses and I will be flying tomorrow so that should be interesting. Still lots of blood almost four weeks later and I don't want to describe what I occasionally fire out of my nose.

Turns out that both my grandfather and uncle on my dad's side had the same problem. So thanks for that and the baldness guys!

So - moral of the story: If you are having problems equalising your sinuses, get to the doctor early. It turns out that sinuses should not squeak when you equalise them. Who knew?

Looking forward to getting back in the water. New years day dive in Guernsey anyone?
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:blackeye OUCH!!! That truly sounds horrendous. Glad you made it through, and best wishes for a complete and quick recovery.
OK After re-reading this thread I can't believe I was hoping someone else has experienced these problems, as now I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (well except for one guy who has really pissed me off recently - another story).

I had the operation on 17 Nov. It was supposed to be routine, but my sinus disease turned out to be much more extensive than the doctor had previously thought. I was in surgery for 2.5 hours while he drilled holes through my skull into my sinuses, sucked out the nasties that has been up there for about a year, and cut out some offending tissue which shouldn't have been there in the first place called 'polyps'. Nice.

When I came to I thought I was going to die. I asked for my wife and they said they were having difficulty reaching her. So then I asked them to call my secretary! HAHA. Luckily it was after 5pm so they couldn't get her either.

Anyway, the worst part was the postoperative checkups when the doctor used a six-inch narrow tube with suction and a pair of forceps (also known as needle nose pliers) to clear out the crusty debris. Twice in a week. Not nice. He tried to use some local anaesthetic, which just sank into all the bits and pieces but not my tissue. Imagine your worst trip to the dentist and times by ten. I was off work for a week, signed off for two and I should have stayed off that second week as well.

The good news is that I can now clear my sinuses and I will be flying tomorrow so that should be interesting. Still lots of blood almost four weeks later and I don't want to describe what I occasionally fire out of my nose.

Turns out that both my grandfather and uncle on my dad's side had the same problem. So thanks for that and the baldness guys!

So - moral of the story: If you are having problems equalising your sinuses, get to the doctor early. It turns out that sinuses should not squeak when you equalise them. Who knew?

Looking forward to getting back in the water. New years day dive in Guernsey anyone?


Just wanted to follow up with you to see your progress with diving along with your sinuses. I was experiencing this when I first started freediving last year. It is getting better, but I'm going to see a doc in the next couple of weeks to see exactly what my issue is. Thank you!
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