apnoeandi said:
AH! thank you! where i can order a Slip Tip or can i make a tip by my self(DIY)
and where i can order a floatline an a clip for it?
greetings apnoeandi
If you have a full machine shop, you might be able to make your own tip, but I doubt it. There are all sorts of considerations going into the interface between adapter and tip so that it doesn't come off in flight, but does come off easily in a fish. Also, in a good tip, the adapter bottoms out in the hole in the rear of the tip so that if you hit a rock, the force is absorbed there rather than splitting out the rear skirt of the tip where it sits on the shoulder of the adapter.
Before you buy a tip, you should consider whether you really need one. Do you shoot large fish that could bend a shaft and use the shaft leverage to enlarge the hole and pull a standard barb out? Also, do you often shoot fish with rocks behind them? Shooting rocks with slip tips can get very expensive very quickly.
But assuming you need one, what diameter is your shaft, and what thread does it have? Most 3/8" and 5/16" shafts have a 24" thread, while most 9/32" shafts and metric sized Euro gun shafts have a 6 mm thread. You need to order a tip with a slide ring to fit your shaft, and an adapter to fit your threads.
Then there is the question of steel cable vs. Spectra. I prefer Spectra because it doesn't cut the flesh and enlarge the hole in the fish as much as cable, and because it never gets kinked and doesn't cause as much resistance to the shot. But if you shoot fish that usually go down into sharp coral, you might want cable.
I could go on a on about various brands of tips, but I think it would be best if I keep it simple and just mention a couple of very good choices.
If you want cable, these tips come with a choice of adapters and slide rings for 5/16" and 9/32" shafts. The tips themselves are 5/16" in diameter.
If you want Spectra, my choice would be tips from Masahiro Mori,
morifish@aol.co. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a web site.
I have two tips from him, shown below. One is 11/32" diameter, and has threads and a slide ring for a 5/16" shaft. The other is 9/32" in diameter, and has 6 mm threads and a slide ring for 9/32" shafts. In the next couple of weeks he is coming out with a 5/16" diameter tip, which will also have adapter and slide ring for 5/16" shafts.
The highest quality float line I have seen is this one made by Neptonics. It has bulletproof hardware and a 1400 pound spectra line though the middle of the tubing. You could get it from Neptonics, but Aimrite is also carrying it, and Aimrite also has very high quality inflatable floats.
A cheaper alternative is the orange foam filled Rob Allen float line offered at
Click on floats. Also there, you will see some nice hard foam floats by Rob Allen.
I hope this wasn't too much information all at once.