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SMB - After any body board modification pics?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Jul 27, 2011
Hi all,

Recently my Cressi SMB died on me after over 10yrs of use. It's been ideal as i can deflate it and so have ordered another for use when on holiday but fancy moding a body board for use when in the local area (Dorset).

I was hoping that some people may have some pics of their modified boards that i could get ideas from (a picture paints a thousand words and all that).


Cheers Jonny, thats answers one of my questions about whether to glue attachment points or just go super secure with bolts straight through. Bolts it is!

Any other pics from any much appreciated i'm after all your good ideas.

Cheers Jonny, thats answers one of my questions about whether to glue attachment points or just go super secure with bolts straight through. Bolts it is!

Any other pics from any much appreciated i'm after all your good ideas.


Here are a few links to some mod'd boards, some good ides on there even though you may not be able to get the actual floats:

My New Ab Board - Spearboard.com - The World's Largest Spearfishing Diving Boating Social Media Forum


Check them out.

Cheers Highlander, i didn't find that one on my previous search attempts. Lots of good ideas.