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Smooth skin or nylon out side diffrence

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2006
Hi every body . I am trying to find out what is the performance difference between smooth skin and nylon out side? I know that the smooth skin is more slippery in water and creates less friction but how much less . And when you swim whit it what are the performance differences .
Thank you for reading.
I would be interested in this, too.

Also, how much more vulnerable is open cell on the outside?
Will it rip easyly when coming in contact with rocks on the ground?
Is the decrease in drag worth accepting the less durable outside?

I don't know specific scientific numbers but you forget also an other issue;

-The lining reduces the flexibility of the suit and thus in result costs more muscle energy to make same movements.
-The drag CAN be positive as written before in other threads; for example in CNF and DNF (no fins disciplines).
-The difference in durability depends mainly on the user (in my opinion), no matter freediver or spearfisher.

I'll say this - smoothskin out is WAY WARMER if you have cool air temps. In terms of flexibility - my elios nylon out suit has what they call 'superstretch' nylon and it is very stretchy and tough. As for slipping through the water - you'd have hear from someone who dives more at he edge of the envelope. Personally I don't notice a huge difference - but I don't compete either.
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