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sniper112 kill dainsor Amberjack in dubai

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Jun 10, 2010
hiii brothers how r you sniper112 back again and i wana show you some masters

befor 2 months

Lots of pictures but no story?
Lot of scuba tanks lying around, did you take the fish in deep water with tanks?
Well, I think that given the scuba equipment on deck, everyone believes you caught these on scuba. So, given that this is a forum primarily for the discussion of apnea and apnea related activities, such as "true" spearfishing most members won't really approve of your activities and care to say nothing rather than post their opinions.

I personally have no real issue with people fishing on scuba purely as a source of food, it is after all more selective than most types of commercial fishing. With this in mind I see your pictures only slightly preferable than a photo of you with a few fish you've just bought from the supermarket.
Lots of pictures but no story?
Lot of scuba tanks lying around, did you take the fish in deep water with tanks?

Well where is the problem if her sister cylinder or purse or floss latter is not a reason damage to the environment baited fish Who I want and go to the house of God created human beings and they have to think in the way of living and hunting is not put into place rules for how to catch and you want to be champions go on your own and fish with no drums in the deep 80 m and the advice you to write your will before going down
And I want that I possess in this life and diving equipment method

Welcome and thank you for your words and advices beautiful and your words reasonable and I wish you success
Hi Sniper

After talking to you yesterday on the phone I had a look at your pics.
Well done man they look tasty but a bit big to fit in the pot.

Well done once again and if you need a buddy next time let me know.
I have done a few dives since we last dove together so will be good to meet up again.

Let me know Bro and well done once again.

hii my friend ok i will call you next week ok take k

Sniper... this is an english speaking forum but I struggle to understand what is written there.

Are you answering Foxfish's query or argueing with it?

I know English may not be your first language, but what is posted here should be comprehensible for other readers.

I am guessing it loosely translates to something like 'I see no problem with hunting with scuba gear. if you want to dive without tanks to 80m to hunt feel free, but you will die'
Welcome I am an Arab man and type writing what I want in the search engine Google in the Department of Translation and this is why the errors of translation and Thank you do not want to talk about something pictures speak for themselves and see you later
I thought you might be using google translate sniper112. I translated that to arabic and then back to english and it came up with the exact words you've written

True the photos do speak for themselves....
Reactions: Salehthefish
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