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Snorkel In/Out Survey

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Spearos, do you keep you snorkel in while diving?

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Mr. X

Forum Mentor
Staff member
Forum Mentor
Jul 14, 2005
This subject has cropped up in several threads recently. There seems to be quite a difference in opinion and approach even among very experienced spearo, so I thought it might be interesting to do a survey to find out what spearos are really doing.
Have always speared with snorkel out, for the simple reason that I felt I was able to have a far more relaxed jaw / face with it out, and at the time I was looking at finding a point of 'total-relaxation' of every muscle in the body.
It may not have been the case, but it just felt better for me, and thats the way it's stayed. If someone tells me with valid reasons that it's a safety problem with snorkel out, I would gladly 're-train' myself.

Its pretty standard practice in Southern California to dump the snorkel or loosen the grip with your jaws so as to flood it as you leave the surface and then put it back in your mouth just before you get back to the surface. The primary reason is that our most sought-after game fish, the white sea bass, are very sensitive to bubbles, so we don't want the snorkel leaving a trail on the way down.
three very good reasons to take your snorkel out

1) if you black out you may well experience laryngospasm - where you jaw locks closed to prevent water entering your lungs. If your jaw locks on your snorkel not only is it v difficult to resusc you, you also get a nice little passageway for water to go straight into your lungs

2) when you surface with a snorkel in, the initial reaction is to blast it clear - this kind of super strong breath out maybe just what you need to get rid of the last bit of O2 keeping you conscious

3) don't you find it waggles and drags a load on your mask if you dive with it? Ok thats more of a freediver thing as I guess spearos would lose a million snorkels if you actually detached it from the mask - but at least

spit it out!!!

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Reactions: Mr. X and bluecape
By the way, I set up the voting so that you can select more than one choice, if necessary.
I use the same technique as Bill on the snorkel. Flood the snorkel at the beginning and then put it back in about 10 feet from the surface. That way I can relax on my belly and take my deep breaths quickly.

Multiple choices. #2 is true, #4 for spear fishing and #6 for training.
I have been experimenting with snorkel-out in the pool. I still find keeping the snorkel-in more comfortable -- having trained myself to do so over several decades, it is a hard habit to break now. Removing my snorkel, or mask for that matter, really messes things up for me -- because my subconcious behaviour assumes both or neither will be there :duh . The problem often is remembering to put the snorkel back in at the surface...or on the way up. Taking the snorkel out really does seem to make sense when you think about it (esp. for long or deep dives) but it really messes up the rhythm of things for me (and I have met *very experienced* spearos who always leave their snorkel in...although ..."survey says..." most spearos take the snorkel out).

A tip I picked up on DeeperBlue, giving a small puff about 1 metre from the surface is working out well - it greatly reduces the amount of effort required to clear the snorkel once at the surface. I am also happier using my semi-dry snorkel for spearing now. I have managed to break one bad habit -- looking up or "standing" treading water while taking my first breath I often needed to blast the snorkel twice to clear it ... initially I blamed the purge valve but when I thought about this I realised that snorkel tip was probably dipping into or being lapped by the water sometimes during clearing! Problem solved -- one blast is always enough now, & with the "small puff"-technique mentioned above -- the blast need not be that large or forceful to do the job.

I am also trying to get in the habit of spiraling on the way up (also suggested on a DeeperBlue thread) to keep an eye out for boats, obstructions, etc.. :blackeye Although, that might need adaption for use with a float-line equipped speargun ;).
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:) And to solve all problems and throw a spanner in the works , why not just put your thumb on the apature(Open end) and dive, then there is no extra enerjy used to clear upon surfacing LOL. :)
On the serious note, i think this theme will always be the most debateable on DB and all other forums on the net, Personaly i think its all down to personal preferance and comfort, :) "in", "out", "in" ,"out", "and shake it all about". :)
Groupermadness said:
Personaly i think its all down to personal preferance and comfort, :) "in", "out", "in" ,"out", "and shake it all about". :)

yeap! that's true :)
:hmm ....what were we talking about? :eek: Snorkels? :duh :D

I really like the Sumora website -- lots of good spearo info., well presented too. I thought this page had some interesting information on snorkel use (yet another perspective):

I spit mine out when I dive but put it back in on the way up, I prefer to use a displacement clear and the snorkle needs to be in my mouth to accomplish this.
I take it out, im comfortable thst way, also one of the champion freedivers here taught me to do so when i started out, forthe reasons mentioned by sam
Though I don't have a lot of experience in spearfishing, I like to keep my snorkel in. I don't go as deep when I'm spearfishing as if I'm freediving, so having it in doesn't bother me. I concentrate more on the fish than on my snorkel. :)

But I do prefer to have my snorkel out of my mouth when freediving. That way I'm more relaxed.
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