As everyone knows : Snorkelling comes from snorkel …
But snorkel comes from the German name ’Scnorchel’
=> Here
I made an inventory of the different versions of snorkel. It's in French, but I invite you only to look at the photos
=> Here
And of course, if you descend, don't hold the snorkel in your mouth !
Underwater, this does not help and can cause a swallowing reflex that can lead to drowning.
I had a swallowing reflex at +/- 24m (+/- 79 ') luckily I didn't swallow any water, but it was disturbing…disconcerting…astonishing !!!
At that time in 2003 in the Red Sea, I did not know this rule …no snorkel under the water !
Since that experience I spit the snorkel just after the duck dive
A hot discussion there (*), mainly with divers practicing 'snorkelling' but not aware of the "freediving rules"
(*) https://www.scubaboard.com/community/threads/snorkeling-advice-from-the-net.583183/
But I understand that anyone who has not had this experience will not find it useful to spit out his tuba during the duck dive
I persist in saying : what is good for "freediving or apnea » is also good for snorkeling.
If you dive spit your snorkel out of your mouth.
As everyone knows : Snorkelling comes from snorkel …
But snorkel comes from the German name ’Scnorchel’
=> Here
I made an inventory of the different versions of snorkel. It's in French, but I invite you only to look at the photos
=> Here
And of course, if you descend, don't hold the snorkel in your mouth !
Underwater, this does not help and can cause a swallowing reflex that can lead to drowning.
I had a swallowing reflex at +/- 24m (+/- 79 ') luckily I didn't swallow any water, but it was disturbing…disconcerting…astonishing !!!
At that time in 2003 in the Red Sea, I did not know this rule …no snorkel under the water !
Since that experience I spit the snorkel just after the duck dive
A hot discussion there (*), mainly with divers practicing 'snorkelling' but not aware of the "freediving rules"
(*) https://www.scubaboard.com/community/threads/snorkeling-advice-from-the-net.583183/
But I understand that anyone who has not had this experience will not find it useful to spit out his tuba during the duck dive
I persist in saying : what is good for "freediving or apnea » is also good for snorkeling.
If you dive spit your snorkel out of your mouth.