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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Simon Reid

New Member
Jan 22, 2003
So, I saw and bought this Beuchat spearo snorkel. It looks the part, a wide bore, no frills, "J" snorkel. The mouthpiece unfortunately tastes so foul that I can't bear to persist with it. I thought it might be the mould release stuff that was so awful so put it in a jug with a mild detergent for a few days. It was fine until it dried out and was used again. Horrid, like sucking on an old car tyre, not that I suggest anyone actually do this to experience it! So I put it in the dishwasher thinking the evil detergent used in these machines will definitely sort it out. Wrong! It still tastes vile. Before I hurl this lovely looking and very promising but hideously tasting thing into the sea for Neptune to use, has anyone got any ideas on how to cure it's problem. Maybe I should just stop being a wimp and suffer it.
Swap it out for a different mouthpiece? is it permentently attached?
I really like the USD/Apeks mouth peices. have that funky palette thingy.

What if you soaked in tequilla overnite?
Then it would taste like a margarita when you dove in the ocean.;)

Hi Simon ,
Just curious : is it a "tub - air" ? That's my favourite snorkel . Constant use will get rid of the taste , eventually .:hmm
Yukky snorkel

Thanks guys for the suggestions:


Permanently attached with a sort of heat shrink tape.


Brilliant, I'll definately try that one, ;-)


Yes, the Tubair, and yes I agree it is a great snorkel to use, easy to purge as the bottom half of the "J" is so smooth in its curve. I thought I would just have to persist until all the evil poison was eventually washed out - ha! Here goes.............

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