Ok, let me ask a simple question, what is depression?
James Corbett phrased it as a hopelessness, the failure to see a possible positive outcome.
It has also to do with energy, if one is low on energy and one is attacked, it's easy to feel depressed, to want to flee, retreat etc. If one has energy, one will feel aggression, a strong will to deal with the attacker.
I also face depression and depressive moments, and I think for the following things are the source.
- my intellect, I can easily see ahead, obstacles, many reasons why not, many barriers.
- my minds programming. From day one we are told many lies often with good intentions, but as we get older we realise stories of a fairness don't present reality, in fact most if not all our dearly cherished deepest believes, including the many subconscious believes are not reality. Consequently, because of our smart intellect, we recognise the cognitive dissonance, the short circuit happening in our brain, of reality conflicting with our believes. From time to time we bump into experiences that challenge our deepest believes, and we experience a great loss of something cherished, something very dear. This loss needs to be processed, morning. Since it used to be part of what we used to think we are, we need to reconsider what we are again. We need to go down to all our core convictions and see if those change with new insights too. We come to new conclusions, and other parts are affected and stripped away too. Then we rebuild our personality with the parts that we still find true and logical. (Logic = without contradiction). This process needs time, silence, work, solitude.
This process is called creative desintergration.
There are mountains of stories we believe in, but there are only a few diamonds that will last through all the heavy weather of time.
One reading tip; 'Flow' by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
One life tip; make sure the reward equals the investment.
A positive of knowing depression; you'll recognise true beauty and will appreciate it's rareness much more then anyone else.
One more thing.
On reality.
I find that we have a need to fit every experience into our model of the world, worldview.
In our world there so many contradictions and exceptions that it is very difficult to have a logical (without contradictions) worldview. What most people do, is create different compartments in their brains. A box for each set of understandings, in this way they
avoid having to deal with the short circuiting understandings all the time. Religeons, philosophies provide a nice ready made box set to order your understandings in a way that eliminates your short circuits, for a lifetime, or a while, depending how far, how hard your search, how honest you dare to be with yourself.
So we are in a very conflicting world, utterly confusing, our worldview is crumbling (film tip: Inception), and our self-image, our foundation, appears to be build on a swamp of lies. Instead of lying to ourselves a daily changing new lie as of who we are, each time a wall cracks, we recognise that it's a much deeper problem.
How to find a new stable foundation?
Be honest, be loyal to truth, not to any believe.
Get to know your believes. Believes create expectations that give birth to disappointments.
Use writing to memorise and map your thoughts.
Have regular solitude and exercise with sweating.
Focus on 1 task at a time.
Have long term, medium, and short term achievable goals.
Do creative things.
Experience is more valuable then 2nd hand knowledge.
Slow, and stop judging.
Slow and stop having exceptions
based on your believes
Keep an keen eye on your energy levels, give yourself breaks of solitude before you run out of steam (again).
Eat good fresh fuel, complete nutrition especially for your brain because it is truly working out overtime.
Reduce and stop the amount of media input, because you already have enough confusion to deal with right now.
Read short depression survival stories, you can do it too.
Anything you do is voluntary, though you may not believe that now.
Avoid being exploited, make sure the material and emotional pay is in balance to the energy you've invested.
You're doing work most people rather avoid, your reward will be a clean consciousness, a solid self-image, a worldview that is tested and you know you can trust. This knowledge and experience form wisdom, you can share with the few brave but scared and confused young souls, to help them in their quest for truth, certainty, wisdom.
Love, Courage and Water,
ps these are just my current and incomplete thoughts on the depression issue, an more experienced person would be able to say I've went through a number of crevasses, but I've not put the time in to structure and write down what I've learned, yet. May your journey gains some clarity. I think many difficult things are very close to solving once we succeed in asking the right question. In order to do so we need to use the trivium (
Trivium Education | Where Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom Begin), to have a method of thinking that allows us to arrive at knowledge, instead of assuming yet another believe.