First dive of the year today and it was not the best because i could not get my gun working my wishbone wouldnt to lock into my spear and it blasted of allmost tacking my fingers dont know why so in the ended up leaving the gun and just did some dives to see if there was any fish there was loads of bass and mullet swimming around i realy wished i had the speargun working:head .But i did get a edible crab . The viz was good 4 or 5 i got out in the end because mr seal kept bumping into me:crutch
im still waiting for my new suit so i wont get as could. .going to try tommor again but with a different gun also does any one know why the wishbone will not stay on the spear
im still waiting for my new suit so i wont get as could. .going to try tommor again but with a different gun also does any one know why the wishbone will not stay on the spear