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Southeast Alaska Spearos?

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New Member
Jan 20, 2008
I'm looking for someone to do some breath-hold spear fishing in southeast- specifically Ketchikan. It seems like a lot of folks around here kill things on scuba, but that isn't really my thing. I've been out a few times collecting abs and scallops, but want to do some hunting, and would like to find a dive buddy for safety and just the general spear fishing banter. Any takers?
Hello jmccarron:

There are a handful of us hardy souls who freedive in Alaska. You should join our Yahoo group: AlaskaFreedivers : Alaska Freedivers Association

The only person I know in southeast is Joel who lives on Prince of Wales Island and he's anxious to go hunting. I don't know if he posts here on deeperblue, but he is a member of our Yahoo group and you could contact him through the group.

I'm about 7hrs from Stewart, would love to get up there to dive.

I work 5 weeks on 2 weeks off, so lots of time for a road trip. keep me posted
Any of you who make it down (or up, whatever the case may be) here, please get in touch with me, it would be great to meet any of you. In the meantime, I'll check out the Alaska Freedivers Assn. and keep everyone posted on any exploits around the area. Thanks to all who have replied.

I've gone in haines a couple times last year but Ketchikan is a bit far. I'd be game to make a trip to Junea or maybe ketchikan if you really twisited my arm. I'm from whitehorse yukon btw.
I would definitely be interested in meeting someone half way, especially if we had leads on some good hunting spots wherever we decided to meet. I also think it would be really cool to get all interested Alaska Freedivers together once a year to dive and socialize in different locations. I would be interested in hosting such a thing-- say, next summer in Ketchikan- after I get some experience around the area. I would be all for traveling to a spot where some folks have some area expertise before and after next year too.

How about Maui next February?
That sounds incredible- Let's plan it. Should we try to set up a hosted forum for the Alaska divers and the trip? Does anyone know what we need to do to make that happen (hosted forum)?
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