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Spade Fish

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2008

Just getting into spearfishing and went out the other weekend, I didn't see many big fish but I did see alot of Spade Fish. I looked them up once I got home and it says they're decent to eat. Does anyone have any recipes or opinons on that?


They are excellent table fare, a bit of a pain cleaning as thin but so is flounder. See the thread on skate--I have a recipe there. Also grilling inside foil w/ oinio on bottom to protect fish from scorching. I Always fillet because the odd shape does not lend to whole baking/grilling.

As a beginner Spades are a good way to learn size judgement underwater. Also since in schools target aquisition. You will definitely learn post shot control since they almost always spin after shot (even when through eyes). They're easy to handle but just imagine if that were a big Bull Dorado or Amberjack--learn small & work up.
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Just cooked some up as mentioned, along w/ some red snapper fillets. My guests raved over the spadies v. snapper! Both prepared exactly the same way! :friday
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