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Spaghetti Wrasse Sauce

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Campari Survivor
May 31, 2005
Spaghetti al sugo di Tordo/Marvizzo
Ingredients for two persons:
250 grams of spaghetti
1 salty anchovie
1 Wrasse weighing at least 700 grams
6 tomatoes of small size (cherry shaped tiny tomatoes)
half can of ready tomato sauce of the "pulpy" type
3 spoonfuls of olive oil
1 "nut" of butter
half glass of white dry wine
1 slice of fresh garlic
half of white onion
1 pick of salt
1 pick of pepper (or chili if liked)
1 fistful of chopped parsley
How to proceed:
Fillet the wrasse and cut the meat in smallish cubes. Chop the onion and garlic.
Put the oil, butter, finely chopped onion and garlic in a pan, light fire.
When the onion and garlic turn "blonde", cut in quarters the cherry tomatoes, pour them in the pan and press them with a fork or a paddle (or simply drop the half can of tomato soup). Add the pick of salt and pepper (or chili)
Add the head and spine of the Wrasse plus half glass of white wine.
Let it cook for six or seven minutes. Pour a little more wine if it dries up
Take away the head and spine, and add the fillets of wrasse and the anchovie.
Let it cook for five minutes, adding more wine if the sauce dries up.
Add the spaghetti - that meanwhile have been cooked as normal, boiled in slightly salty water. Let the Sauce and the spaghetti melt for one minute together on fire, mixing up with fork and paddle.
Before serving, Garnish with the chopped parsley and a spoonful of raw olive oil.
Wine suggestion: Vermentino di Sardegna, Vernaccia di San Gimignano, Lugana Doc, served cool.
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I just love your terminologies like - 1 "nut" of butter - so good I am going to use that from now on :)
Sounds good my friend.
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I just love your terminologies like - 1 "nut" of butter - so good I am going to use that from now on :)
Sounds good my friend.

He he, it's my own imaginative english language reinvented :) In Italian we call it this way: una noce di burro, it's a bit of butter as big as a nut.
Now here's a second recipe for a creamy, no tomato fish sauce, good with every "poor" fish (for poor fish, pesce povero, I mean all the fish whose taste is not exactly delicuous: wrasse, moray eel, torpedo, skorpionfish et cetera).
Spaghetti alla crema di Tordo/Marvizzo
Spaghetti with creamy Wrasse sauce)

same of the previous above, but no tomato and no parsley and less wine (just half glass). Just get hand of two spoonfuls of cream, a pick of nutmeg spice and grated lemon skin. The sauce gets ready in 5 minutes.
How to proceed:
1)Fillet and chop the wrasse
2)Heat the garlic and onion in a pan with the nut of butter and a thin film of oil till it runs blonde.
3)Add the wrasse meat and mix
4)pour a half glass of wine
5)add the anchovie, a pick of salt, pepper and nutmeg
6)when the wine has steamed off, add the cream and let melt for two minutes. Sauce ready!
7)add the pasta (spaghetti or, even better, short pasta like Maccheroni or Penne) and let it mix on fire for one minute, mixing to avoid burning.
8) Grate the lemon skin above (no juice, just the outside skin of the lemon grated).
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It all sounds great Val; I will defiantly be trying them out.:)
And afterwards I could wash the lot down with some of that mad South African deep thinkers head banger cocktails.:friday
I just love your terminologies like - 1 "nut" of butter - so good I am going to use that from now on :)
Sounds good my friend.

Me toorofl

Good recipe by the way, I heard all italian food is best cooked with an Italian Chickee and a bottle of wine, to er uhh show you the proper technique- I assume
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