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spear band connectors

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 8, 2003
Any one know how to build a band using the plastic connectors on the band with the screw on wish bone?
Where can you buy the plastic connectors to do it?
Any one know how to build a band using the plastic connectors on the band with the screw on wish bone?
Where can you buy the plastic connectors to do it?

To do it by hand it is just a PAIN IN Z A##!!!
the plastic screw adaptator are put on rubbers by a machine..
or hand made custom machine /tool or fully automatic machine tht cost around 20/30 000 usd..

best for you is too buy some :Stainless Steel bridles /screw on adaptators

rgds Marco
Thank You, I appeciate your reply.
The plastic adapter I am looking at appears simple. The male threaded end fits over the band that has a plastic bead inside. No constricting knot is required. It is a type compression type fitting. I am assuming the band is stretched tight with the bead inside to reduce the band diameter, the housing is then slipped over the beaded section. When the band is relaxed it returns to normal size and will now take the pull from the yoke when screwed on.
Is this correct? Any idea where this type of connector can be purchased?
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I'm not sure how the bead portion works that your talking about. But as was stated before, the plastic rings are put on by machine. Stretching the band, yes the diameter does reduce, but if your holding both ends to stretch, how do you put the ring over the end of the band? The tie in adapter is the best bet.

PS, then you could tie in a dyneema wisbone rather than the metal ones.
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The constrictor knot does work but in my opinion it causes damage and stress to the band reducing band life.
I will try and photograph the system I am looking at. I think its an Omer band but I think others use this system too. It does not damage the band as does a constrictor knot.
Seems to me easy enough to have the band held and stretched by a mechanical device with the beads inside and the housing on the band. once stretched just slide the threaded housing over the beaded area and relax the band. Seems much quicker than tieing the contrictor knot if that is how it's done.
ruppst, I would be interested to see your photos because I don't quite understand what you are trying to explain.
Personally I, like thousands of other spearos, have no problems with self tied dyneema.
The constrictor knot does work but in my opinion it causes damage and stress to the band reducing band life.

sorry but you are just WRONG ..it is the contrary..
the latex is lot more stress in being pull and when back to original it always hit the plastic ring that then is damaging the rubber..
we have lots of (YEARS) of experiences in those here..

if you really want to put some plastic rings by hand you can...

decrease the rubber with a little line all around ..push the ring over with liquid soap..pull the line out ..push the plastic pearl inside with liquid soap..

pain in the ass ..do not worth it ..
why dont you buy a rubber that is ready ?????????
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This is a photo of the connector system I am interested in working with.
The bead goes into the band. The male housing covers it. It looks like a compression type of fitting.The female wishbone screws on. No constricting knots.
I would like talk with the manufacturer and buy a some.


  • Cnv0043.jpg
    30.6 KB · Views: 169

manufacturer of what?
complete rubber with connector system /
or only manufacturer of housings..
there are many ..selling those..

those are what i am talking about..

how many do you need ? for what rubber size?
there are 2 sizes/ diameter= 14/16 mm and 18/20 mm
we get a lots over here..
because if you buy to factory you ll need to order quite many..

in case you can buy also some brass ones from orca in south africa.
item `Dura brass cap`
Orca Spearfishing Products
so you can re-use those ..

I am a small manufacturer of a hawaiian sling style spear gun. Home of the most advanced triggerless spear gun available I would purchase minimal quantity, at this time, if the system works for me. I want to get away from the teadious aspect of building bands in quantity. I make everything myself at this time. The smaller size will work for now but I may need smaller ones too. Talking to the manufacturer will help me. Thnks for the leads on the brass ones they may help with prototypes.
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