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Spear Tip crisis

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Sep 16, 2006
Hi im new to spearfishing and live in socal. There are soo many tips that i have no clue what to get.I was wondering what would be the best tip for the Henley Gold Death in these waters.
Ive heard of paralyzers but still confused.

Please Help

what sort of fish will you be targeting? a paralyzer tip generally is good for small fish, single/double barb for medium sized fish is good, i think ive read that the henely polespears come with sliptips? there are a few polespear users here and on www.spearboard.com, that should be able to help you out
thnx for ur reply sickbugs ill check out that website later

another question i had was what is that wire on the spear im confused on its function?
wire connecting the tip to the spear is for a sliptip, when you shoot a fish, the tip will disengage from the spear, and lodge itself either inside the fish or on the other side of the fish, this will save your polespear from being bent if the fish holes itself up.
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