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Spear will some times release it self

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
Lately my spear has fired off by it self.
My hand was no way near the trigger.
Sometimes the spear will release it self when i put the rubber on the sharkfin.
I'm sure it has something to do with the trigger, but what.?

Thanks :)
Hard to say from a distance. But one good thing is that most brands are pretty frightened of this happening so if you talk to the dealer hopefully he will take care of you. If the dealer is scubastore or someone else who is impossible to get an answer from then reach out to the manufacturer directly.
If all that fails, then take the trigger apart yourself and see if anything obvious is wrong - and if it is, then perhaps go through the above steps again;-)

Different shafts have slightly different tolerances but a euro trigger should shoot and HOLD all euro shafts in theory. But you could try a different shaft. But it sounds like this is an issue that just happened recently and out of the blue so yes, all points to the trigger...

I don’t think we can really diagnose it from afar but I bet we all are wondering what brand of gun and shaft you are using?

The only thing I can think of that doesn’t call for a replacement is if something got lodged in your mech and prevents it from working properly. But again, you need to take the trigger apart to check that. I have no problem doing that on any of my guns but others do, hence the advice to reach out to dealer/manufacturer first. They might even send you directions on how to check it yourself.

Do keep us updated and, of course, use another gun for now:)

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Its a seawolf sub gun, notorious bad service.
Actually the gun is pretty good its self, but really bad service.

I clean out the housing and gave it som Caraba olie. Dont know if it will work.
It's not all the time its does that, it seems that if i push the shaft in hard, it doesn't come lose.
Hopefully its just some rust that needs to come lose.
It hasen't been used all winter.
Spears that are launched when band pull is applied are not properly locked in their trigger mechanism as the trigger is not properly engaged on the sear lever tip in the reverse mechanism. That means the trigger will not be swung forward enough in the trigger finger guard area, so you need to check that position. Also you need to check that the line release lever is fully swung back.
seawolf handle.jpg
Pete has extensive knowledge of trigger designs so try his advice.
Also, I recall reading some other tips about triggers that could sometimes “go out of sync”. I think something about turning them upside down possibly when pressing the trigger? I can’t recall the details but probably Pete can if it’s valid here at all.

I recall seeing you had to wait for long, long time before you even got that gun. Sorry to hear that the builder is not as good at communicating as he is at making pretty guns.

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Pete has extensive knowledge of
trigger designs so try his advice.
Also, I recall reading some other tips about triggers that could sometimes “go out of sync”. I think something about turning them upside down possibly when pressing the trigger? I can’t recall the details but probably Pete can if it’s valid here at all.

I recall seeing you had to wait for long, long time before you even got that gun. Sorry to hear that the builder is not as good at communicating as he is at making pretty guns.

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Yes, waited 6 months, and atleast 10 mails with " its on its way, we already send it, we will send it next week, you will have it monday...etc. End of the day i emailed paypal about the whole thing,, 7 days later i received the gun.
Next gun i'm thinking about getting is arcus 90cm,,,put that is a whole another story :)
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Yes, waited 6 months, and atleast 10 mails with " its on its way, we already send it, we will send it next week, you will have it monday...etc. End of the day i emailed paypal about the whole thing,, 7 days later i received the gun.
Next gun i'm thinking about getting is arcus 90cm,,,put that is a whole another story :)
Sorry to hear that. And good to hear you used Paypal. I know, it's likely a tad more expensive than a bank transfer and for that reason alone, it's good to be reminded of the buyer's protection. I have also heard of examples where Paypal has refunded the buyer before they have settled the issue with the shop. For a purchase like this, it seems it was def worth losing a few percent on their higher fees/exchange rates.
Lately my spear has fired off by it self.
My hand was no way near the trigger.
Sometimes the spear will release it self when i put the rubber on the sharkfin.
I'm sure it has something to do with the trigger, but what.?

Thanks :)

It may be that the shaft moves too much from side to side when in the trigger mech and releases the grip between the shaft and the sear. With the gun unloaded and the spear shaft engaged in the trigger mech, grab the spearshaft and move and twist it from side whilst pulling outward. See if the shaft dislodges. It may also be a height issue when the shaft is loaded and the pressure of the loaded rubbers forces the bottom of the shaft to slip out from the clutches of the sear. I'm assuming that the spearshaft came with the gun.

Anyway, this is a very dangerous issue and not worth messing around with too much. It is better not to use the gun again unless you are absolutely certain the problem is fixed.

Taking your bad experience with the supplier into account, and if you purchased your gun less than 18 months ago, then contact the supplier via the PayPal resolution center explaining the problem, highlighting the obvious danger, and ask them to fix it. Give them a week and if you are ignored or not satisfied with their support then you can escalate it to a claim and you will likely get a full refund.
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It can be a real pain shipping guns back as they have to be properly packed and that is also expensive. When faced with this situation I ask for the defective part to be replaced and then fit it myself, but for that to happen you need to nail the problem. They may or may not want the defective part back, in fact you can probably throw it away once you send them a photo of it. Time is money and companies are more interested in sales than trouble shooting guns.
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Hello to alls of Deeperblue forums admins and users,we are sorry of us short presentations, thanks for accept us in this thread.
dear Den Mios ,we are very worry for your bad experience with the orders,there are many reasons some times that joned make a bad process of delivery,
we are at your disposal for solve your trigger problem.
please show us a pict of your trigger here,and also a pict of the shaft near the part that engage trigger.
we received a comunication for your problem by a menber of this forum,and we have send also an email to you.
we suggest for any problems,to comunicate with us by mail , by phone or by whatsapp to our service number.
0039 3316793866
Thanks again to the admin for giving us this space to solve the problem of Den, he will have had a very delayed order but we care very much about the safety and satisfaction of our customers. Unfortunately the mechanism is produced by ermes sub that we will contact to understand the problem. and send you a spare.
I have experienced a similar issue with the Ermes Sub double roller trigger in that it requires some force to fully engage the spearnotch into the sear.
The Ermes Sub double roller trigger for the Pathos guns had this issue sometimes.

However if you pay attention it is not difficult to avoid the issue. At least that is my experience.

Good to see Seawolf stepping in to solve it though. I hope Ermes Sub will be able to help as well of necessary.
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A update:
Seawolf sub contactet me and sende me a new trigger, and pictures and tekst on how to install it.
They really stepped up to solve my problems.

i don't know what the deal was waiting 6 months for the gun back in 2018. But it seems they really improved on their services.
I will not hesitate buying a new gun from them, if i needed a new one.
Thank you Seawolf sub. :) :) (y)
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... Also you need to check that the line release lever is fully swung back.

I recently learned, from studying trigger mech schematics, at least some trigger mechs may be affected by the force applied to line release arm. They may (theoretically) either release or get close to releasing shaft, if mono wrapped with significant stretch on a shock absorber. Please correct me, I could be wrong, but this is what I see.
A lot of tension on the line release arm can load up a mechanism by pressing on the levers, but it will not make it shoot. The exception is where many years ago some line releases operated off the trigger’s lower tip and under some circumstanced pulling on the shooting line by squeezing it against the barrel caused the line release to push the trigger and fire the gun. The Mares “Sten” had this problem, exacerbated by fools who carried cocked guns out of the water. Mares moved the line release arm to the side of the trigger finger guard to prevent it from happening, others changed the line release pivot pin by moving it further back and more to be under the trigger rather than in front of it.
Sten original handle.jpg

Magnum L Vintair Plus R.jpg

Other misfires occur when the line release uses the presence of the side of the trigger to control it. If the trigger falls back after the shot and is stopped by the line release lever which has not fully retracted then the trigger will still be slightly depressed and the trigger mechanism will not relatch properly. The Sporasub “One Air” has this problem as do the “Airbalete” guns. There is a spring available that could fix it, but as the lever should be consciously swung back after the shot you can do without it (the possibility being the spring might not do the job consistently).
Omer Airbalete line release.jpg
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