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Spearfisherman lost at sea??????

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Buster Lung

Buster Lung
Dec 23, 2004
Went out last night to one of my usual spots with a mate.

We dropped the anchor, jumped in and then swam in opposite directions looking for fish. Shortly afterwards I saw a small fishing boat paying close attention to our rib, so I swam towards them to see what they were up to. Seeing me coming, they quickly left the area.

Minutes later both the inshore and offshore lifeboat turned up and told us that they'd received a call from a fishing boat reporting two spearfishermen in distress.

A question for the guys on the fishing boat; If you thought we were in distress, why didn't you come and speak to us rather than just calling the coastguard and buggering off.

Thanks for wasting everyone's time MUPPETS!!!!!!!!!!:head :duh

P.S No, we weren't in distress and no, we didn't catch anything last night.
Reactions: island_sands
Sounds odd. If they were a fishing boat then they should know something about the lore of the sea no? Why call the coastguard then clear off? They may have been late for tea but that's no excuse really.

I can only think they didn't like a couple of spearos on their turf and thought that this would get rid of you??:head loco
Buster - I know the guys in the white boston whaler - they saw one of you by the entrance and they said the spearo looked knackered, but it wasn't them that called the coastguards...!
Same thing happened to me at Exmouth, I swam out to see what the bottom would look like at "pretty far out" and as I was on my way back to the shore, I met up with a fishing boat, they asked if I would like to get a ride to the shore and as I told them that I didn't want one and wished they backed off a bit, they left. Later as I sat on the beach and sorted out my gear Coast Guard came to get a name in the paper.. apparently they had saved me..
I think Fishermen have no clue what a spearo would do out the sea..

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