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Spearfishing Boat

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New Member
Jun 14, 2012
I have been spearfishing for over a year now and i am thinking on buying a boat to go to the offshore islands, etc...
I am looking for an offshore capable boat, which you can scuba, spearfish, sportfish from, any suggestions
Need a bit more information. How far offshore? What ocean? How many divers do you want to carry? How long do you plan to stay out?

I have been going fairly far offshore for many years, recently about 100 miles, and love my boat, perfect for me, but you might need something completely different.

OK thanks cdavis I need info on two boats,
1. 10 miles offshore max, 30 miles parrarel to shore, 6 people max at most 6 hours i am thinking somthiing like a boston whaler montauk?
2.about 100 miles offshore in occasions, about 9 divers max, could stay out for 8 hours
Both will serve for diving, fishing, cruising
I've thought about similar for the last year and have recently gotten a boat for spearing, fishing and cruising with the family...

thing you need to consider is fishing and cruising are on the boat and spearing is off the boat so really you want a fishing boat that you can board from the water that also has plenty of storage for spearing gear. For me I got a 20ft boat that cruises at 18kn with room for 4 fishermen/divers at a push.
it is a little hard to get in and out of, but that is only a few minutes of the trip... Its much better to be safe and warm for the other few hours when cruising or fishing. If ya catch my drift. Plenty of deck and storage is a must!!
100 miles, 8 hours, 9 divers? You are talking a very very fast boat, and a big one too. Out of my experience.

What ocean are we talking about, wind and wave conditions??

The Montauk I'm familiar with is a 17 ft trihull. I"ve spent a lot of time in that hull. High quality solid boat, but it will beat you to death in any kind of chop(unless you modify the console) and way too small for 6 divers. Three works good in that boat for serious freediving, 4 at a pinch. Less people for tank diving.

For 6 divers, about the minimum would be something like a 23 Seacraft, with twins. that would also do for way offshore. Less divers and you could go down to a 20 Seacraft. Brand gets more critical at the smaller sizes. The Seacraft has a very good riding hull, even in the small sizes. I owned a 20 for years and dove 3 divers, 9 tanks 20-40 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, year round.

Around my way virtually all the commercial dive boats & fishing boats are 10 -12 mt catamarans.
They are licenses to travel 60 miles from port to carry 12 passengers.
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