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spearfishing BUDDY Indonesia

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2008
Hi everybody,

I´ll go to Indonesia from 24 Nov. to 9 Dec. and would like to know if someone could well me in some details:

1-I read that Bali is good, but tell me a village and and skeaper also. If possible, far from crowded places (just a litlle crowded ).

2-what suit should I take:3mm or 5mm?

3-A 130cm gun with 2 rubbers is it enought?

4-probable weather at that time is it good for spearfishing?


No response yet? Strange. From what I have read, I would think 130cm x 2x16mm rubbers would be an excellent choice for clearer water but there is really no substitute for local knowledge. Larger railguns are available (140cm, 150cm - and even longer) but 130cm is certainly "up there". 130/140 are usually the largest sizes commonly mentioned on the forum. Loading will obviously require some care & technique with very long railguns (130+). When folk need larger guns than 130/140, the discussion often moves onto large, multi-band "woodies" - such as the Tommy Botha (South Africa), Greek & American (Daryl Wong) wooden Tuna/big game guns. [Staff member Bill McIntyre uses Daryl Wong woodies & Miles uses Tommy Botha (as well as numerous larger railguns & a few larger euro-spearguns).]
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Andre from Bali is your man.

just google andre spearguns and you will find him.
if you meet him say hello from the philippine spearfishermen.
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