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Spearfishing contest

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deckhand mike

New Member
Feb 26, 2007
Does anyone know of any upcoming spearfishing contest in California, or for that matter any at all? Any info would be appreciated. If so do you need to be a "ranked" spearfisherman to enter? Also heard a rumor about a pole spear comp. When is that? Thanks to all who reply!
Hey Mike,
Check out NORCAL Skindivers. They have competitions, I think it cost about 20 bucks. It would be cool to put together a little local comp sometime.
Not sure it would be much of a contest against you guys. I'll get my but kicked but if I want to enter some comps I should probally start getting used to it. You can find me in the shallow end of the ocean, I'll be the guy with the swimmies. But seriously we should do a little local contest and each throw down a few bucks, I know Owen would be down and my buddy Lyn. Going to dive spooners sunday let me know if you want to go.
Message to all spearos on the central coast of california if you want to throw down a few bucks we'll see if we can get a little contest going!
There are clubs in CA that put on monthly competitions. See if you can contact some of the clubs. If they don't do spearfishing competitions they will probally be able to put you onto others that do.
I don't know Mike you seem to do pretty damn good. Yeah I could get a few guys too, that would be fun:friday . We'll have to go practice next time it gets flat! There's a comp up where I go ab diving that has a polespear division, I'll check the dates and maybe we can go.
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In Southern California, Los Angeles Fathomiers look under the calendar section, and the home page to see the next dive competition.
Do you have to be a fathomier to enter?

Fathomiers welcomes individual divers who enjoy learning the specialized skill of underwater hunting and the selective and conservative taking of game.

CA DFG fishing license required.
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