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Spearfishing DVDs

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2005
Can anyone help me with these ;



On DVD. Must be PAL format.

I really enjoyed Peche Sous Marine Christian Andre .. hunting the Bass in the ship wrecks! The 2 I mention I think also feature Bass? Maybe someone could advise me and suggest where I could find a copy of these.
This is THE DVD for bass. Puts all others in the shade.

"Nel regno della spigola"

Filmed off the French Atlantic coast by Jean Baptiste Escalapez - ex world spearo champ who now develops and sells his gear with "Immersion".

Nel regno della spigola

Any idea where I could get a copy ??
Much appreciated
I think i know someone who has a copy of it..I will ask them if they still have it and i will let you know.It truley is the business when it comes to bass action.
Cheers, itching to get back in....still too nippy in wales though.
I managed to get a copy of the dvd but it was called

La Chasse Sous Marine En Atlantique Vendee & Bretagne

Still Jean Baptiste Escalapez and still absolutely brilliant....full of bass,mullet,black bream,sole,plaice,scallops,dorada boy this man is good.Best of all it was shot on the Atlantic coast so conditions are similar to ours.

P.M me your details Robbo and i will post it to you...

Cheers, you have a PM
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