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Spearfishing Equipment on PLANE.

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New Member
Apr 1, 2006
Hi all,

I might be going to the Philippines sometime next year and was planning on bringing my Spearfishing equipment and putting it in one of those Armor Speargun bags. I was wondering what regulations/rules do airlines(such as luggage length requirements), and airports have against spearfishing gear? I will be going through LAX, so any advice for LAX would be appreciated.

BTW: The gun bag is 62'' is length...

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not sure about length. but I have never had trouble with customs (I travel internationally with my spearfishing gear).

most airline handle ski's/snowboards, I wouldn;t think 62" would be a big issue for a large carrier.
Since it's not a firearm, there are no regulations about anything regarding shipping your speargun. You don't even need to say what it is . . . and I wouldn't. TSA won't care when it shows up on the X-ray, either. I would, though, make sure that it is well wrapped up in bubble plastic, just in case.
I have read suggestions on labeling it...wouldn't they check it if I label it "Underwater Fishing Gear"
1. It's going in checked luggage and is unavailable to you during the flight. That means no threat to the plane, crew or passengers.
2. It ain't gonna explode in flight and so there is no threat to plane, crew or passengers.
3. It's not a firearm so you can't pick up your luggage at the other end and start blowing people away and thus provides no threat to . . .

Damn it, don't be so paranoid! Just pack the blessed thing, fly to PI and have a good time without worrying so much. Look, I frequently fly with firepower that will knock the engine block out of a Peterbilt and never have problems with either the airlines or TSA. What makes you think they're going to worry about you? The Phillipine government might have doubts about bringing spearguns into the country and that you will have to check but airlines are noooooo problemo.
Ok thank you so much...hehehe. I just didn't want to get into some hassle at the airport especially during these times. Will have to check with the Philippine government on that also.
My sister lived and worked on Cebu in the phillipines for a few years she was a PADI instructor there and guns of all types were freely available!!!
joking aside Spearguns are available to buy so customs will not give you any hassle.
What?Really? Perhaps I should just buy one over there, but need to know exactly where I can buy one. I'm guessing its only in the dive shops. Did your sister work on Mactan Island?
no on cebu but i cant remember where. it was years ago now.probably worth e mailing a few of the local dive centres for info. she now lives in Cayman where spearing is taboo
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