I've just returned from a holiday and whilst away got a chance to do a bit of spearfishing, I really enjoyed it and would like to do a bit in UK. I will apologise now as I have a few noobie questions.
Is spearfishing a seasonal thing in the UK or can it be done all year round?
I've spoken to a few friends and although one or two are keen to tag along, no one is wanting to invest in equipment. Is it safe to go spearfishing solo or would it be best to at least have someone shore side?
I was pricing up equipment and wasn't sure what wet suit would be best to get, can someone advise whether to get a 5mm or 7mm wetsuit?
Does anyone know of a suitable spots in and around my area? I was thinking about places like Cove and Stonehaven.
Thanks in advance,
I've just returned from a holiday and whilst away got a chance to do a bit of spearfishing, I really enjoyed it and would like to do a bit in UK. I will apologise now as I have a few noobie questions.
Is spearfishing a seasonal thing in the UK or can it be done all year round?
I've spoken to a few friends and although one or two are keen to tag along, no one is wanting to invest in equipment. Is it safe to go spearfishing solo or would it be best to at least have someone shore side?
I was pricing up equipment and wasn't sure what wet suit would be best to get, can someone advise whether to get a 5mm or 7mm wetsuit?
Does anyone know of a suitable spots in and around my area? I was thinking about places like Cove and Stonehaven.
Thanks in advance,