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Spearfishing in Italy near Pescara. Any advice or regulations

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Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hello, Colleagues!
I just arrived in Pescara, Italy and I have never been spearfishing in Italy. (Only several times in Greece and Montenegro)
I would like to ask for advice on where I can go spearfishing and have a chance to see a fish :)
I have a car here, so any place which is reachable by car would be welcome.
I appreciate any advice for spearfishing in Italy.

Also, as I discovered on the internet, I don't need a spearfishing license in Italy. ( is it right?)

I appreciate any help you can provide.
It looks like there is not much knowledge about Pescara :)
I've been around Ortona once. There was terrible visibility, but I got my mullet (triglia). I had not much time, but the place was interesting.

As for the licence, you have to visit the authority and inform them. They will give you permission free of charge. It's not really a license, more like permission, just a piece of paper with your name and registration number. I got mine at Guardia Costiera Capitaneria di Porto (Piazza della Marina, 1, 65126 Pescara PE). I don't know if "codice fiscale" is mandatory, but I have mine and it is mentioned on my permission.
It looks like there is not much knowledge about Pescara :)
I've been around Ortona once. There was terrible visibility, but I got my mullet (triglia). I had not much time, but the place was interesting.

As for the licence, you have to visit the authority and inform them. They will give you permission free of charge. It's not really a license, more like permission, just a piece of paper with your name and registration number. I got mine at Guardia Costiera Capitaneria di Porto (Piazza della Marina, 1, 65126 Pescara PE). I don't know if "codice fiscale" is mandatory, but I have mine and it is mentioned on my permission.
Thank you for yor reply :) Yor are right. The visibility is completely ugly.
I have been spearfishing since October 2022 there. The most comfortable condition was on October and November. I had a chance to spear one seabasse and dentex there. Even now visibility is pure.

I would like to visit some other region if anybody would like to join welcome!
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I would like to visit some other region if anybody would like to join welcome!
One day I'd like to do the same. But currently I have "a new place moving issue", so by now I a bit stuck here.
One day I'd like to do the same. But currently I have "a new place moving issue", so by now I a bit stuck here.
The same issue :) Need to move to Spain for 1 month then come back in Pescara :)
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