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Spearfishing in PA - NAgs Head

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Pa Teeny

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2004
I am new to this. I am hooked up with my best friend to fish near nags head and we were frustrated with line shy fish not biting so being a hunter we are going to give this new sport a try.:D

I bought a mask, snorkle and finns -waiting on them. Have not bought the speargun Yet. waiting and reading more information- any input would be appreciated. I will be hunting freshwater low vis and saltwater. The last time out we could see 40-50 feet. Lots of fish no biting of our lines. They would come up to surface to see waht was going on? I think they were cobia, did see large barracudas. Did anyone ever get hit from one? Just checking.

I did see an Oneal suit at Sam's club for 35$ an open leg and arms 3ml. Should of bought it! I will go back and get it? The fresh waters in Pennsylvania do not warm until July. Any suit information would be appreciated? Saw those Wisconsin nuts in ice covered lakes.

I will send picture later last time it would not work.
I have dived in PA water even in early spring w/ a 5-mil Cressi Competition (a little under $200) in relative comfort.

I have gone in with a 3mm jumpsuit (Tilos) much later in the season and experienced extreme discomfort, so I'd say that a 5mm freediving suit is a must-have for most PA diving. Sometimes a 5mm suit gets just a little too warm on the surface in the summer, but that's easily fixed by letting some water in -- and it beats the alternative.

For stream snorkeling, a 5mm is fine in winter (plus you need serious gloves and socks). In the summertimer, in some streams, you use a t-shirt and shorts. Other streams (e.g. limestone streams) run cold year-round.

Not sure that I could see much use for a shortie in PA -- the ground water averages 55 degrees F, so if you go deep it gets cold very quickly.
i'm looking any place (lake or river) wher i can spearfish in nj or pa
I usualy go to seaside park in nj but waves are to big in this year If somebody know any place i will be happy to hear that
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