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Spearfishing in Tobago

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2004

I will be spearfishing in Tobago from 18 March till 25 March. I have never fished there before so I am very keen to have as much information as possible and, of course, a buddy to go spearfishing with.

In particular, I will be based in the south part of the island.
I would like to know what are the potential dangers / sharks, snakes, currents or other fish / , the temperature of the water, visibility, edible fish etc ect.

I would be very grateful for any information,

Thank you very much in advance

Thanks, Flying Bajan. Does he live in Tobago? Can you give any general information about Tobago? Is it a good place, any serious danger?
Thanks anyway

He splits his time between Trinidad and Tobago. Runs a charter fishing operation and is VERY good at it. Even if he does not dive, he will be happy to point you in the right direction...

Tobago is a very cool place, not a lot of crime, very laid back and GREAT diving and fishing. The drift diving can be a bit hairy at times, as the currents REALLY rip there, but you will see a lot of BIG stuff - Mantas, Whale Sharks, etc.etc.

You'll have a great time !
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