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Spearfishing Kittens - how could you!?!?!?

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Lord of the Brocean
Aug 13, 2007
This made me laugh - according to our friends at Peta, we are in fact not hunting fish but cute, cuddly "Sea Kittens"...


I LOVE kittens! I promise, I'll NEVER spear one again! :hmm
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What a terrible campaign lol , bless em.

I watched their expose about how terrible bow fishing was and thought.... that looks like really good fun! Does that make me a bad person ?

Admittedly the guys doing it didn't kill the fish quickly, why don't they just knife them like we do ?

PETA TV: Select Your Media Preferences: Bowfishing
A lot of people have ZERO regard for sealife - they somehow feel that ethics doesn't extend to sea creatures or fish in general.

I went out snapper fishing in a tiny rib with some crazy New Zealand hillbilly when I was out there - when he caught a fish, I'm not joking, he just grabbed it hard by the eyeballs and chucked it in a cooler - no dispatch or anything - made me feel sick.

By the end of the trip I genuinely wanted to punch him in the head.

Don't get me started on the Chinese - WATCH AT YOUR PERIL!!!

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That is fucked up.

The chinese are so cruel, and then you watch the japanese killing dolphins and finning sharks.... it goes on and on.

But deepfrying the back end of a fish while its still alive? Someone should dunk them in some boiling oil up to the waist.
Well shit son... you had to just go and ruin it for us!

*shakes head*

But wait, what if I repped you back....

Edit: FAIL
LOL close though!

Oh i stumbled across this too, same thing with a cheery american commentator

Oh and this

ill stop now i feel a bit ill anyway
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