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Spearfishing Magazine, winter 2005-2006 issue.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Polystigma said:
So which would you guys prefer? I'm not really into scuba diving and would probably get board of a magazine with a majority of scuba stuff. Would HSD be a better choice for freediving and spearfishing related material?

Hi Polystigma, I am the new owner of Spearfishing Magazine. I just purchased the magazine last year and this year bought Spearboard.com as well as the Spearboard Open Tournament. Chad Carney directed me to your questions. HSD is a great magazine. I read it all the time. I am growing Spearfishing Magazine quickly. The second issue grew 50% in size up to 56 pages from 40 pages. References to the past issues of SM should not carry too much weight. We have completely re-designed the magazine. We are committed to Freediving Spearfishing and scuba. We cover a very wide variety of subjects. You will find many articles on freediving. Please send me an e-mail at my website www.spearfishingmagazine.com and I will send you a free sample issue. The bottom line is that you should consider subscribing to both HSD and SM. All the best, Tony Grogan, Publisher of Spearfishing Magazine

Chad Carney, THAT'S IT!!! I remember the picture of the guy with the battle scars!! GREAT article!! Since spearing on scuba isn't allowed here, THAT article opened my eyes, showed me how difficult it is!!

I'm positive that it was in HSD becuase thats the ONLY magazine we get here. Pity our local dive shop only gets the odd issue's.....:vangry :vangry

jimdoe2you, that last picture you posted, the one with Tommy Botha holding that 200lb YF tuna on his lap..........guess who took the picture? rofl

WOW!!! This really is a small world we live in!!

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Miles i love that picture,

Its a '' I have to do that one day'' thing
I have it on the wall where i keep my gear and just look at it going '' one day, one day''
The picture is also on the Edge Spearguns web site

Have you done a write up on Tommy and that YFT anywhere if you havnt please do one

Good Stuff

Polystigma So which would you guys prefer? I'm not really into scuba diving and would probably get board of a magazine with a majority of scuba stuff. Would HSD be a better choice for freediving and spearfishing related material?

Brah, HSD is the bomb! go hawaiians!!!
i don't mean to look down on anybody, but to me, spearfishing is only to be done freediving...
please lets not turn this into some spearfishing on freedive and scuba debate. Spearfishing is something that someone does FOR THEMSELVES. It's relaxing, refreshing, its a whole new magical world undernearth the waves. So NO MATTER how you hunt, as long as you love doing it and abide by what laws you have then thats all that matters.
StretchArmStron said:
please lets not turn this into some spearfishing on freedive and scuba debate.

Yeah, lets not. Its been fought over and over, and no one ever wins.
Bill McIntyre said:
Yeah, lets not. Its been fought over and over, and no one ever wins.

I agree. It does not matter if you freedive or scuba. Whatever makes you happy, thats all that matters.
Tony said he was going to send me a free sample of SM. I'm going to check it out and see how I like it. I will probably end up subscribing. Might go with HSD a little later too. Problem is I don't have much freetime to read for leisure. Most of my time is spent reading textbooks and such. So I will most likely only subscribe to one magazine.
Reactions: foxfish
I got the new HSD today, with Jack Prodanovich on the cover.

Just flipped through it... it looks great!

How come all the new magazines come at once?

Reactions: Erik
Polystigma said:
Problem is I don't have much freetime to read for leisure. Most of my time is spent reading textbooks and such. So I will most likely only subscribe to one magazine.

If you spend less time on these boards giving advice, you can easily handle two magazines.
Well, he said what I was thinking.

As someone who taught college economics and finance for 20 years, I certainly applaud reading of text books, but the magazines are published quarterly, so its not an insurmountable load.

Today I received Hawaii Skin Diver. The cover article was by Terry Mass on the 72 year history of the San Diego Bottom Scratchers club. There are articles about speargun maker Steve Alexander, diving the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia, the South African national championships, the Hatteras Blue Water Open meet, the first installment of a series of articles on beginning diving, an article on three-prong pole spears, the story of spearing a 588 pound marlin in Australia, an article on diving the Thee Kings Islands in New Zealand, an article on a wahoo competition in South Africa, and other short features, all with the most beautiful color photography you will ever see. You could learn more and get a better feel for the sport from reading this issue than from months of cruising these boards.
I just wanted to give a "Thanks" to those on this thread who gave me the head's-up on HSD.

After FREEDIVER magazine went under I decided to subscribe to SPEARFISHING magazine, but since HSD is more about freediving I just signed up for a 2 year subscription- and picked up all their back issues as well.

Interestingly enough, I financed all the new mags by selling off all of my old Tech diving magazines on Ebay (Aquacorps, DeepTech's, ADV's, Immersed's, Quest's, ect.) I thought it was a fair trade.

I dropped all of my other scuba mags a while ago because they were all so boring. zzz I still get a couple from PADI, for renewing my instructor rating every year, but they get tossed after a quick read through.

As far as time to read goes, I wish I had the new issues today. We got a foot of snow yesterday and it's going down to -30F tonight so no diving for me this weekend.:waterwork


I can't fathom -30F degrees. As I recall, that is the temp. at which all molecules quit moving!!!

I ran outside and took a couple of photos of the 75 degree weather to warm you up!




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My HSD just arrived today! Speak of the devil!!!

Thanks for the warm weather dreaming Jim.

Here's a couple of shots from yesterday's storm and a picture of my grill this morning.

Just a couple of days ago it was 52 degrees here and I was walking with my kids outside without a jacket, or hat, on- and using my grill!

Now, we're into the deep freeze and I need a shovel to dig that baby out.


I guess it will be a few weeks before i get my copies.
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Reactions: jimdoe2you
It was so calm yesterday, I took a few pics of the boat before freediving. 70' in the Gulf of Mexico off St Petersburg.

Jon, if it makes you feel any better, the water was 59*F.



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Reactions: Jon
Bill McIntyre said:
IBut anyway, I think we need to support both magazines. They are all we have, and we need to encourage them.
I agree. I just re-subscribed to Spearfishing Mag the other day. I was so impressed by HSD, that I let my SM subscription lapse. I also didn't like the first issue under the new ownership. While I appreciate Tony increasing the content and improving the layout, I did not appreciate the ad and photo section with skimply-clad women. There's nothing wrong with women in bikinis, but let it be in context. The Henley polespear ad was just a bit gratuitous for me. The issue for me is that my children (a 7-year old and two six-year olds) love when I go spearfishing, and they can't wait until they get old enough to go spearfishing with me. We loved to lay down on the couch together and read the newest issue of Spearfishing Mag when it arrived in the mail (back then, I didn't know about HSD). To some of you , that probably doesn't mean anything, but if your you're a dad, you know what I mean. Well, when the new issue of Spearfishing Mag arrived in the mail and I leafed through it, I was a bit shocked. Fortunately, my kids didn't see it first. I re-subscribed for the exact reason Bill gave, to support this sport I love. I hope Tony considers this. Best wishes.
Reactions: Jon
So has everyone gotten their copy of this magazine yet?

I know that my last name starts with a "Z" and all, but I would think that I should have gotten my copy by NOW?

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